It takes precedence over other method(s). This object may contain any of the following options: You have two ways you can utilize the option: In Studio, if you have selected the player to use playlists in the player properties' Styling section you can set some of the above Sets the display width of the video player in pixels. A playlist video picker for video.js and videojs-playlist. [! Please use the el option going forward. The following examples show the two basic layouts for playlists, vertical and horizontal. Perists volume, captions and playback rate to local storage. 118. The data-for attribute can be applied to the playlist container to associate it with a player's A plugin to display simple overlays during video playback. A plugin to add 360 and VR video support to video.js. If the player is disposed, the copy is put back into the DOM in the player's place. ', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ', 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna ', 'aliqua. videojs@7 videojs-resolution-switcher . Specify whether setting autoplay: true and