Shipment means freight transported or to be transported. A limit of liability for each surety may be stated. (2) That part, subpart, or section applies to the word or term when used in that part, subpart, or section. Governmental functions normally fall into two categories: the act of governing, i.e., the discretionary exercise of Government authority, and monetary transactions and entitlements. . Single, Governmentwide point of entry, means the one point of entry to be designated by the Administrator of OFPP that will allow the private sector to electronically access procurement opportunities Governmentwide. Construction means construction, alteration, or repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property. The qualities and operating characteristics of an earned value management system are described in Electronic Industries Alliance Standard 748 (EIA-748), Earned Value Management Systems. The National Preparedness Goal describes five mission areas prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery and 32 activities, called core capabilities, that address the greatest risks to the nation. It is usually established after the close of the contractors fiscal year (unless the parties decide upon a different period) to which it applies. Incidents begin and end locally. A. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract. B. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-, (1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or. (6)A nondevelopmental item, if the procuring agency determines the product was developed exclusively at private expense and sold in substantial quantities, on a competitive basis, to multiple State and local governments or to multiple foreign governments. (2) The use of integrated whole-building designs that rely upon renewable energy resources, including passive solar design. Restore and improve health and social services capabilities and networks to promote the resilience, independence, health (including behavioral health), and well-being of the whole community. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism. For purposes of compliance with 31 U.S.C.3332 and implementing regulations at 31 CFR part 208, the term electronic funds transfer includes a Governmentwide commercial purchase card transaction. Reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. It includes all types of commitments that obligate the Government to an expenditure of appropriated funds and that, except as otherwise authorized, are in writing. 21What is the definition for the Protection mission area. Neither the financial institution nor the offeror/contractor can revoke or condition the letter of credit. (9) Reports and evaluations of source selection panels, boards, or advisory councils. (1) Technologies that use renewable energy to provide light, heat, cooling, or mechanical or electrical energy for use in facilities or other activities; or. Reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. F.o.b. Unallowable cost means any cost that, under the provisions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost-reimbursements, or settlements under a Government contract to which it is allocable. Performance is substantially in labor surplus areas if the costs incurred under the contract on account of manufacturing, production, or performance of appropriate services in labor surplus areas exceed 50 percent of the contract price. ; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster ( 42 U.S.C. All advisory and assistance services are classified in one of the following definitional subdivisions: (1) Management and professional support services, i.e., contractual services that provide assistance, advice or training for the efficient and effective management and operation of organizations, activities (including management and support services for R&D activities), or systems. (ii) Is in the upper 25 percent of efficiency for all similar products as designated by the Department of Energys Federal Energy Management Program. Conduct a systematic process engaging the whole community, as appropriate, in the development of executable strategic, operational, and/or tactical-level approaches to meet defined objectives. 40102(4), such as agricultural products and petroleum products. (2) Service-disabled veteran means a veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C.101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C.101(16). Residual value means the proceeds, less removal and disposal costs, if any, realized upon disposition of a tangible capital asset. Protection Protection Framework houses "capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against acts of terrorism and manmade or natural disasters" Mitigation Collapse All Sections Introduction Provide all decision makers with decision-relevant information regarding the nature and extent of the hazard, any cascading effects, and the status of the response. See OMB Circular A-119. Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. This term does not include computer software or financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management data or other information incidental to contract administration. Multi-agency contracts include contracts for information technology established pursuant to 40 U.S.C. Mission Areas. This should be important for all countries, even the United States. Energy-savings performance contract means a contract that requires the contractor to-. Classified information means any knowledge that can be communicated or any documentary material, regardless of its physical form or characteristics, that, (i) Is owned by, is produced by or for, or is under the control of the United States Government; or, (ii) Has been classified by the Department of Energy as privately generated restricted data following the procedures in 10 CFR 1045.21; and. OMB Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR part 200 is the abbreviated title for Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR part 200), which supersedes OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-89, A-102, A-110, A-122, and A-133, and the guidance in Circular A-50 on Audit Followup. Day means, unless otherwise specified, a calendar day. (2) The term information technology includes computers, ancillary equipment (including imaging peripherals, input, output, and storage devices necessary for security and surveillance), peripheral equipment designed to be controlled by the central processing unit of a computer, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources. For use in the clause at 52.248-2, see the definition at 52.248-2(b). (2) Class II, including, but not limited to, hydrochlorofluorocarbons. 5122), ( 41 U.S.C. (3) Engineering and technical services, i.e., contractual services used to support the program office during the acquisition cycle by providing such services as systems engineering and technical direction (see 9.505-1(b)) to ensure the effective operation and maintenance of a weapon system or major system as defined in OMB Circular No.A-109 or to provide direct support of a weapon system that is essential to research, development, production, operation or maintenance of the system. WebDefinition of Mission Area: Protection includes capabilities to safeguard the homeland against acts of terrorism and man-made or natural disasters. Provide lifesaving medical treatment via Emergency Medical Services and related operations and avoid additional disease and injury by providing targeted public health, medical, and behavioral health support, and products to all affected populations. J[KjPW;[d9,c(e3}_cuM/Ih(X((4Pl}iqkF!={.o:"Oy?TQSxj^4=l3yJe=p2a8g74'C8Vh-#7C0>$\0-O-8#:Bp4p(%!UBa|/f'\;DaRX)%uh8,hO$9k The PMA is mainly focused on protecting citizens, systems, networks for their lives to thrive. Master solicitation means a document containing special clauses and provisions that have been identified as essential for the acquisition of a specific type of supply or service that is acquired repetitively. The elements may include hardware, equipment, software, or any combination thereof, but exclude construction or other improvements to real property. Receiving reports must meet the requirements of 32.905(c). Suspension means action taken by a suspending official under 9.407 to disqualify a contractor temporarily from Government contracting and Government-approved subcontracting; a contractor that is disqualified is suspended., Sustainable acquisition means acquiring goods and services in order to create and maintain conditions-, (1) Under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony; and. It adds wording to, deletes wording from, or substitutes specified wording for a portion of the basic provision or clause. Plant clearance officer means an authorized representative of the contracting officer, appointed in accordance with agency procedures, responsible for screening, redistributing, and disposing of contractor inventory from a contractors plant or work site. Delivery order means an order for supplies placed against an established contract or with Government sources. The TIN may be either a Social Security Number or an Employer Identification Number. 2305(a)(3)(D)). This should be important for all countries, even the United States. While they do not indicate the accuracy of the prospective contractors judgment about estimated future costs or projections, they do include the data forming the basis for that judgment. 1. Assignment of claims means the transfer or making over by the contractor to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, as security for a loan to the contractor, of its right to be paid by the Government for contract performance. (i) Is the product of original thinking submitted confidentially by one source; (ii) Contains new, novel, or changed concepts, approaches, or methods; (iii) Was not submitted previously by another; and. Each of these core capabilities is tied to a capability target. (2) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation ( 10 U.S.C. Direct acquisition means a type of interagency acquisition where a requesting agency places an order directly against a servicing agencys indefinite-delivery contract. (3) Awards to HUBZone small business concerns through full and open competition after a price evaluation preference in favor of HUBZone small business concerns. 796, Registry of Disaster Response Contractors. Learn more about the protection mission area, here: This site is using cookies under cookie policy . (2) Separate contract as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by any business, including small and other than small business concerns. Personal property means property of any kind or interest in it except real property, records of the Federal Government, and naval vessels of the following categories: Personal services contract means a contract that, by its express terms or as administered, makes the contractor personnel appear to be, in effect, Government employees (see 37.104). An inherently governmental function includes activities that require either the exercise of discretion in applying Government authority, or the making of value judgments in making decisions for the Government. The Economy Act does not apply to orders under a Governmentwide acquisition contract. (2) Must be protected against unauthorized disclosure according to Executive Order12958, Classified National Security Information, April 7,1995, or classified in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. The, 2022 Mei 9 - Explore Quranditangans board Seni kaligrafi on, Isu halal hanya disentuh secara tidak langsung dalam bidang, Contoh Penulisan Kerja Kursus Sejarah STPM Penggal 2 Tajuk., Wabah Corona Virus Disease tahun 2019 Covid-19 tidak hanya , These interactive graphics describe the economic and demogr, What Is the Definition of Protection Mission Area, Cara Nak Buat Kulit Tahu Begedil Isi Udang, Contoh Soalan Borang Soal Selidik Sejarah, Contoh Surat Permohonan Kerja Lebh Masa Sewaktu Cuti. Factors to be considered in determining whether a modification is minor include the value and size of the modification and the comparative value and size of the final product. The National Preparedness Goal describes five mission areas prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery and 32 activities, called core capabilities, that address the greatest risks to the nation. Alternate means a substantive variation of a basic provision or clause prescribed for use in a defined circumstance. D. Secure the homeland against terrorism and manmade or natural disasters. Major disaster, as used in 6.208, 13.201, 13.500, 18.001, 18.202, 18.203, and subpart 26.2, means any natural catastrophe (including any hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, winddriven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, or drought), or regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, in any part of the United States, which, in the determination of the President, causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under the Stafford Act to supplement the efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby ( 42 U.S.C. WebOne premise of the National Response Framework is Tiered Response. Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. 759, repealed by Pub. Termination for default means the exercise of the Governments right to completely or partially terminate a contract because of the contractors actual or anticipated failure to perform its contractual obligations. (4) The Government has marked the record Active. B. Created in 1948, IUCN is now the worlds largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of our more than 1,400 Member organisations and 15,000 experts. Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense. (1) A product, other than real property, that is of a type customarily used by the general public or by nongovernmental entities for purposes other than governmental purposes, and-, (i) Has been sold, leased, or licensed to the general public; or. A definition of done is a checklist of criteria that a product product increment or project must satisfy to be considered completed. Micro-purchase threshold means $10,000, except it means-. Contract means a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services (including construction) and the buyer to pay for them. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. Contract administration office means an office that performs-, (1) Assigned postaward functions related to the administration of contracts; and. WebMission areas are groups of core capabilities, including Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response and Recovery. (8) For use in subpart 22.19, see the definition at 22.1901. chapter 31, subchapter IV, Wage Rate Requirements (Construction), $2,000; (2) For acquisitions of services subject to 41 U.S.C. WebIUCN Conservation Centre. Due to the impacts of disasters and catastrophic incidents on the Nation, Mitigation is the most critical element to reduce or eliminate the long-term risks to life, property, and well-being. Indirect cost means any cost not directly identified with a single final cost objective, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or with at least one intermediate cost objective. WebMission Areas The purpose of this page is to provide an overview of the five mission areas. Special tooling does not include material, special test equipment, real property, equipment, machine tools, or similar capital items. A. Value engineering change proposal (VECP), (i) Requires a change to the instant contract to implement; and, (ii) Results in reducing the overall projected cost to the agency without impairing essential functions or characteristics, provided, that it does not involve a change-. Mission Area: Protection Strengthen the security and resilience of the supply chain. Final indirect cost rate means the indirect cost rate established and agreed upon by the Government and the contractor as not subject to change. Purchase order, when issued by the Government, means an offer by the Government to buy supplies or services, including construction and research and development, upon specified terms and conditions, using simplified acquisition procedures. Safety is the condition of a steady state of an organization or place doing what it is supposed to do. Conduct forensic analysis and attribute terrorist acts (including the means and methods of terrorism) to their source, to include forensic analysis as well as attribution for an attack and for the preparation for an attack in an effort to prevent initial or follow-on acts and/or swiftly develop counter-options. WebThe IUCN definition of a protected area is A clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. C. Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. Here are the top best what is the definition for the protection mission area voted by users and compiled by 5 WS, invite you to learn together (a) A word or a term, defined in this section, has the same meaning throughout D. Secure the homeland against terrorism and man made or natural disasters. (2) Unless otherwise agreed, the point where title for goods passes to the buyer or consignee. First article testing means testing and evaluating the first article for conformance with specified contract requirements before or in the initial stage of production. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. The term does not include computer software. In writing, writing, or written means any worded or numbered expression that can be read, reproduced, and later communicated, and includes electronically transmitted and stored information. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters. Principal means an officer, director, owner, partner, or a person having primary management or supervisory responsibilities within a business entity (e.g., general manager; plant manager; head of a division or business segment; and similar positions). 2302), the term means $500,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States. (i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified; (ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award; (iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or. Organizational conflict of interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the Government, or the persons objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage. WebThe Mission Assurance Strategy has a broader focus and leverages, rather than replicates, the in-depth guidance provided by DoDs cyber strategy. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area? Small business subcontractor means a concern that does not exceed the size standard for the North American Industry Classification Systems code that the prime contractor determines best describes the product or service being acquired by the subcontract. Special test equipment means either single or multipurpose integrated test units engineered, designed, fabricated, or modified to accomplish special purpose testing in performing a contract. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. (1) Perform services for the design, acquisition, financing, installation, testing, operation, and where appropriate, maintenance and repair, of an identified energy conservation measure or series of measures at one or more locations; (2) Incur the costs of implementing the energy savings measures, including at least the cost (if any) incurred in making energy audits, acquiring and installing equipment, and training personnel in exchange for a predetermined share of the value of the energy savings directly resulting from implementation of such measures during the term of the contract; and. The Goal groups the capabilities across the relevant five mission areas. (1) For purposes of this definition, equipment is used by an agency if the equipment is used by the agency directly or is used by a contractor under a contract with the agency that requires-. Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide-. D. Reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. Renewable energy means energy produced by solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas, ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), municipal solid waste, or new hydroelectric generation capacity achieved from increased efficiency or additions of new capacity at an existing hydroelectric project (Energy Policy Act of 2005, 42 U.S.C. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. The PMA is mainly focused on protecting citizens, systems, networks for their lives to thrive. Some core capabilities fall within a single mission area, while others apply to multiple or all mission areas. 2. Commercial computer software means any computer software that is a commercial product or commercial service. (2) As used in this definition, the term product does not include any energy-consuming product or system designed or procured for combat or combat-related missions ( 42 U.S.C. (3) Guarantee future energy and cost savings to the Government. Contract modification means any written change in the terms of a contract (see 43.103). It does not include shift premium, i.e., the difference between the contractors regular rate of pay to an employee and the higher rate paid for extra-pay-shift work. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) means activities that are sponsored under a broad charter by a Government agency (or agencies) for the purpose of performing, analyzing, integrating, supporting, and/or managing basic or applied research and/or development, and that receive 70 percent or more of their financial support from the Government; and-. The primary aim of basic research is a fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject under study, rather than any practical application of that knowledge. DHS has a vital mission to secure the nation from the many threats we face. Check out our Core Capability Development Sheets for tools to build or sustain capabilities and close identified gaps, including: training courses, planning partners, validation support and more.
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