2015. Studies exploring the political behavior of nurses in Ghana are virtually non-existent. Nursing will have a key role in promoting health and keeping people well as well as supporting them during times of illness. Demonstrate implementation in the appropriate arena or area of practice Include a plan for sustainability (e.g. Nurs Res Pract. When state legislatures anywhere in the United States are in session, you can be certain that the Nurse Practice Act will come up for review and renewal in some states. With the patient # assignments and documentation mandates ever increasing, I left the hospital setting for a career in clinical research. Furthermore, the faculty of nursing schools should also participate in policy changes, thereby acting as role models for their students. As insane as it is, a couple of years ago an insurance company demanded I make 125 case calls each day. Key Words: Political participation, Political Astuteness Inventory, political activities, politics, policy, nurses, Ghana. nursing, profession that assumes responsibility for the continuous care of the sick, the injured, the disabled, and the dying. 2022 American Nurses Association. For more information please follow the below link: In sum, healthcare is undoubtedly political, and what you do in response to the issues you care about means something. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. political awareness in order to advance the profession of nursing (Hearrell, 2011). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); *By submitting your e-mail, you are opting in to receiving information from Healthcom Media and Affiliates. :10.1177/152715440200300203, International Foundation for Electoral Systems. Some say nursing is not a political act; that we should not engage in politics. It was Kaiser-Permanente to profit Nixons campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser. Int J Nurs Stud. Collectively, nurses can take the lead in support of the Institute for . Exploring the Relationship between Nurse Practitioner Full Practice Authority, Nurse Practitioner Workforce Diversity, and Disparate Primary Care Access. Medical Imaging Core Requirements Year 1. J Nurs Manag. For nurses to advocate effectively for the profession and their clients, to be able to address the social determinants of health and to influence policy formulation at all levels, they must be active in the political process beyond voting. Much of academic language continues to use pejorative terms. Since Ghanaian nurses are generally more interested in just voting, and also since they register with professional nursing organizations but do not actively participate in the activities of these organizations, it may be appropriate to say that these nurses fall within the category of voting specialists. Mentoring nurses in political skill to navigate organizational politics. Only a minute percentage (0.4%) were in the highest category of political participation. Professor Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme has been involved in various research projects and has published extensively in his major areas of research interest, namely sexual and reproductive health; social dimensions of health (including HIV, AIDS, and Tuberculosis); and healthcare financing. Studies exploring the political behavior of nurses in Ghana are virtually non-existent. Health care is a major issue in American politics, with important debates related to health care coverage and the underlying cost of health care. World Population Review. All these findings suggest that even though nurses may register to vote, and vote for a particular candidate in an election, they may not participate in other activities to support the candidate or political party. Milstead (2019) mentions that most of the time, RNs and APRNs are asked to serve as panel members or consultants or to serve on the committee that provides . Is there a nurse in the House? These findings are similar to those of Avolio (2014) who studied the beliefs and practices of registered nurses in Canada with regards to political advocacy, and reported that 78% of nurses surveyed either agreed or strongly agreed that it is important for nurses to be politically active, and 76% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that politics is a concern of nurses. More than 80% of the inhabitants are Dagdombas. Thanks for this article. He served as the national president of the Ghana Nurse and Midwife Trainees Association during his student days at the Nurses Training College, Tamale. During his time at the Tamale Teaching Hospital, he was deputy secretary for the local chapter of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association. Today, that role has expanded to include participating in the policy process . With the chronically ill population with more than one comorbid condition 4.8 minutes was not even enough time to cover teaching medications much less disease education, memory decline/impairment, mobility issues, fall risks, nutrition, ADLs, or any of the other critical keys. As the purpose of this paper was to explore specific leadership . Florida health care Diagnosis for 4.11.22: Checking the pulse of Florida health care The contribution of nurses to health policy and advocacy requires The . : 10.3912/OJIN.Vol12No01Man02, Ahoya, C. K., Abhichartibuttra, K., &Wichaikhum, O. Retrieved July 7, 2022, from. This article reports findings from a survey of registered nurses in three hospitals and two nursing training schools in Tamale, Ghana. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. and transmitted securely. To help nurses combat stress, the ANA launched the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation challenge with the goal of engaging nurses . The result of this analysis is presented in Table 3. Oestberg, Fredrik MSN, RN Getting involved in policy and politics, Nursing Critical Care: May 2013 - Volume 8 - Issue 3 - p . Similarly, Avolio (2014) noted that although nurses agreed that it was important to be politically active, only 30% of respondents reported that they were motivated to become involved in politics. And that support starts at home. 54-61 . In this OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing topic, what we add to the mix is Nurses - us, the largest group of healthcare professionals in the United States and globally: Nurses Impact Policy. Future research in this area needs to focus on strategies that enhance the political efficacy and participation of nurses, so as to enhance their role to strengthen healthcare and the health of the patients they serve. He has mentored and supervised students in nursing and in the health and has published many articles and authored four books. This generally high level of political participation among residents of Tamale makes it an ideal setting to study political behavior among a group of people. For nurses who care about the state of the industry in which we find ourselves building our careers, being politically aware is simply an intelligent modus operandi. Journal of Professional Nursing 32(1). J Contin Educ Nurs. Nursing leadership in addressing the social determinants of health. Thanks to their frontline role, nurses offer a unique, expert perspective on every aspect of the health care system, and have a key voice in ongoing efforts to improve public health.As the lead organization representing the interests of the nation's 4 million . Statistics: An Introductory Analysis (2nd ed.). These previous nursing leadership positions have motivated him to study the political behavior of nurses. It may not be for everyone, but it is one of many ways for nurses to assume important positions of power and influence. Pamela, A. J., Edwards, N., & Spitzer, D. Kenyan nurses involvement in national policy development processes. I am happy to see an employee of Tampa General Hospital shine. regards Kenyan nurses involvement in national policy development processes. Consistent with the present study, Avolio (2014), in a study of Canadian nurses, reported that only 11.4% of nurses in her study had ever written a letter about health or a nursing issue for publication in a newspaper. Lack of awareness, inadequate skills, and little opportunity for involvement are just a few factors. These organizations often have lobbyists that bring nursing issues to Capitol Hill. Additionally, the nurses of today are younger, more educated, and more diverse. As mentioned above, legislation that impacts nursing practice can radically change nurses' work . J Nurs Regulation. Five questions on the inventory did not apply to the political context in Ghana and these were removed from the instrument. phd nursing. Instead, nurses should channel their frustrations into making a positive difference in their profession. The fact that nurses generally do register to vote, and do vote in many elections, suggests that nurses may not be generally apathetic towards politics as has been suggested, but rather may limit the extent of their participation. 2012;42(12): 46-49. [.] It is essential that they write more articles about nursing and health issues, become more active in the activities of their professional organizations, contribute financially to political initiatives and activities, and become more conversant with their elected officials. Nursing is the largest medical profession in the world with about 240,000 nurses in Nigeria alone. Nurses who influence policy help shape the care that will be provided today and tomorrow. Nurses level of political participation was measured using the Political Astuteness Inventory. The Cronbach's alpha for this adapted version was 0.82. I persevered through nursing school, despite the 20-hour days with clinical rounds in the early morning, lectures in the afternoon and care plans & papers until early morning hours. Note: The values in this table represent multiple responses from participants.Relationship Between Political Participation and Demographic CharacteristicsData were analyzed for significant differences in the level of political participation of participants based on selected demographic variables. Policies to sustain the nursing workforce: an international perspective. Yet, studies have shown that nurse participation in political activities remains low. National Library of Medicine Get your free access to the exclusive newsletter of, https://www.emedevents.com/online-cme-courses/webcasts/oxygen-therapy-what-you-need-to-know-to-get-it-right-for-your-patients, https://www.emedevents.com/online-cme-courses/others/nursing-immunity-and-the-environment-oahu, https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/aesthetic-medicine-training-step-1-by-american-board-of-aesthetic-medicine-abam-mar-01-03-2019, https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/palm-springs-oasis-in-the-desert-2019-encore-symposium, https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/palm-springs-encore-cpc-review-2019, https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/taste-of-new-orleans-2019-encore-symposium, https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/survival-skills-for-today-s-gynecologist-2019, https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/maternal-fetal-imaging-2019-1, https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/complex-cardiovascular-catheter-therapeutics-advanced-endovascular-and-coronary-intervention-global-summit-2019, Hurricane Ians Impact: Working the Frontline Before and After a Natural Disaster, Palliative Care May Reduce Pain Disparities in Sickle Cell Disease, Choosing Genetic Testing: The Science and Patient Experience, Recognizing stroke symptoms via telephone triage, An integrative approach to healing the overworked, weary, or traumatized nurse, Nurses and doctors as diplomats in the COVID culture wars, Osteoporosis awareness: Be the patients advocate, Its never too late: Tales from a second-career nurse, Realizing Our Potential as Psych NPs When Treating the Adult Schizophrenia Community, Journal Peer Review. OB/GYN Conference Survival Skills for Todays Gynecologist is organized by World Class CME and will be held from Apr 12 14, 2019 at The Westin New York at Times Square, New York, USA. The researcher then collected the completed surveys, which generally had been left with the charge nurse. Cite This Essay. 2009 Sep;17(6):698-706. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00946.x. Political Astuteness Inventory. hi Retrieved from http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/. Want to read all 4 pages? Table 1. Nurses must be seen and heard in health policy debates. Politics impacts lives. Nursing as a profession has arrived at a prestigious . Katie Pearce. 1. 2009 Aug;46(8):1134-42. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2009.01.014. Epub 2009 Feb 27. The nursing profession's potential impact on policy and politics. When we healthcare professionals take our role as patient advocates seriously, we can be greatly disturbed by political machinations that appear determined to undermine public health, hobble patient safety, blatantly ignore the medical evidence base or otherwise thwart what we as healers attempt to do every time we earnestly show up for work. As a healthcare professional it is essential that you stay up to date with what is happening in Washington, as decisions made at governmental level impact upon the very way that we practice our professions. (2005). Time and resources are further obstacles to the nursing profession's participation in politics (Welliver, 2021). A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used to collect data from 225 registered nurses in three hospitals and two nursing training schools . Clearance was also obtained from the Institutional Review Board of Tamale Teaching Hospital, allowing the study to be conducted in this hospital. An official website of the United States government. Hi, 5. 9. It could also lead to more scholarship opportunities for those interested in pursuing a nursing-STEM career. I eventually simply refused to do it as did thousands of other RNs. This article defines what is meant by policy and what influences its development. Taste of New Orleans 2019 Encore Symposium is organized by Encore Symposiums and will be held from Jan 28 31, 2019 at Windsor Court Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America. Here is some of the major new nursing legislation on the agenda . The Shortell Leadership Scale showed a similar effect, with a potential impact, for both scales, of up to a 53% decrease in the odds of intending to leave. The political factions leverage it to gain support for their views on how healthcare can be accessed, provided, and funded. Retrieved from http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/geography/tamale.php, Abood, S. (2007). Back in the 1960s, it was said that "the personal is political." His duties at the University for Development Studies include coordinating and supervising student research. Furthermore, receiving health policy education is one strategy to help nurses gain knowledge, develop an interest in health policy concerns, and improve their professional nursing identity. Retrieved from University of Windsor Electronic Theses and Dissertations. https://www.emedevents.com/c/medical-conferences-2019/palm-springs-oasis-in-the-desert-2019-encore-symposium. All of these findings clearly indicate that nurses are generally very interested in voting as a political activity. FYS 100/102 First Year Seminar (specific to HP Clinically based programs) 3 credit hours MAT 111 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Math (QF) 3 credit hours BIO 150/151 Molecular Biology 4 credit hours; Foundations Course - Global Citizenship 3 credit hours; Foundations Course - American Citizenship 3 credit hours ISSN: 1091-3734 American Nurses Association - 8515 Georgia Avenue - Suite 400 - Silver Spring, MD 20910, Michael Wombeogo, PhD, DLITT ET PHIL; MA, HPE; MA, DS; MSc, PH; BA, Nur & Psy; SRN, David C. Benton PhD, RGN, FRCN, FAAN; Deborah E. Trautman, PhD, RN, FAAN; Maureen Swick, RN, MSN, PhD, NEA-BC, Judy Gregg, DNP, RN; Julie Miller, MSN, RN ; Kathleen F. Tennant, PhD, APN, RN, Joelle T. Fathi, DNP, MN, BSN, RN, ANP-BC; Hannah E. Modin, MHA, B.A. Mr. Afizu Alhassan holds a Master of Nursing Degree from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University for Development Studies, also in Ghana. The large majority of the participants (76%) were either totally politically unaware or only slightly aware of the implications of politics for nursing. He is currently a Senior Nursing Tutor with the Ghana Ministry of Health and the General Secretary of Nurse Educators Group, Ghana. Inuencing politics and policies that improve Maternal-Fetal Imaging Advances in OB-GYN Ultrasound is organized by World Class CME and will be held from Jan 18 20, 2019 at The Westin Riverwalk, San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. Tamale is Ghanas fourth largest city with a population of 360,579 people (World Population Review, 2019); it is the fastest-growing city in West Africa (Abaneh, 2019). Journal of Professional Nursing 32(3). Due to its central location, Tamale serves as a hub for all administrative and commercial activities in the Northern region. Thank You. Data Management and AnalysisDuring the data collection process, questionnaires were kept in separate envelopes marked with the facility name to track the rate of retrieval from each facility. MeSH Total Population by Country 2019. These earlier findings are in sharp contrast to the present study where 91.1% of the participants were registered members of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA). Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of the University of Cape Coast before the study commenced. gaining membership of the GRNMA is a very passive endeavor nurses are automatically drafted into the association once the government posts them to start working. IFES Election Guide: Country of Ghana. When nurses were asked how important it is for nurses to know about political issues, 80% said it was very important. As such, Nurses have the potentials to profoundly influence politics COMMUNIQUE OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA STUDENT NURSES AND MIDWIVES HELD ON THE 28TH-30TH NEW YEARS ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA STUDENT NURSES AND MIDWIVES (NANSNM) .
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