Her opponents include James Carr Jr., Robert Colon, Alyssia Rose-Katherine Hammond, Constance (Lov) Johnson, Tobias LaGrone, B. K. Maginnis, Rett Newton (mayor of Beaufort, NC), Marcus Williams, Greg Antoine and Chrelle Booker. The sheriff is one of the most powerful elected officials in L.A. County. Seeinteractive map for street-level detail. Mecklenburg sheriffThe department charged with securing Mecklenburgs jail has serious challenges. Legal challenges over redistricting have reshaped how Charlotte-area residents are represented in Congress. There are no Republicans running. Defense attorney Tim Emry says Merriweather has been too slow to reform the criminal justice system. Brad Potts, a Republican, formally added his name to the crowded Rowan County Sheriffs race. AttorneyBudd is up against veteranBrawley, who previously held the seat. Critics say that hurts inmates, families, The Charlotte Observer, Nov. 26, 2017, Inmates get more video visits, but Meck sheriffs opponents say its still not enough, The Charlotte Observer, Feb. 28, 2018. 4 "Mecklenburg jail visits are now solely by video. See interactive map here. Axios Charlotte is a local news initiative. Robinson said if he is elected, his No. Our dedicated staff work challenging jobs on behalf of the greater good. Incumbent sheriff Gary McFadden faces two Democratic challengers: nd Marquis Robinson. The current Sheriff, Clarence Birkhead, was elected in 2018 and is the County's first African American Sheriff to hold office. Can you vote in North Carolina with a criminal record? But we do know now that at least for 2022, Mecklenburg will be divided into two districts: the 12th and the 14th. By the numbers:Mecklenburg County has just under788,000 registered voters, and of that, 42.5% are registered Democrat, 20.6% are registered Republican and 36.2% are registered unaffiliated. Logan is vying for a third term but must defeat opponentMauney, a retired paramedic, in the race for this west Charlotte district. They are vying to replace David Price, who is retiring. 90.7 Charlotte 93.7 Southern Pines
19 open jobs for Phd candidate in Graz. She has two decades of experience include a, Allen is a former Marine who was appointed. District 40: Joyce Waddell (Democratic incumbent) v. Bobbie Shields (Republican) The district covers parts of Uptown, and neighborhoods just to the North, East and South, including Plaza Midwood, Dilworth, Druid Hills and NoDa. Candidate filing for the 2022 election will continue until noon on Friday. Check back for updates and additions throughout election season. His work has appeared in The Washington Post, the Sporting News and Sports Illustrated. And then. He earned his bachelor's degree in government from Western New England University and his masters in business administration from Elms College. The 2022 midterm elections are the first of the Biden era. For the most part, Democratic incumbents are for the most part not being challenged. Budd has the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, and recently McCrory has honed in on Budds comments praising Vladimir Putins intelligence. State of play: The board of education is nonpartisan, meaning candidates party affiliations wont appear on the ballot. For the Mecklenburg County Commission, the Democratic at-large primary is the headliner. District 98: John Bradford III (Republican incumbent) v. Christy Clark (Democrat) Garry McFadden has two challengers both former sheriffs employees. This would fund for infrastructure improvements such as storm drainage, public open space, sidewalks, and pedestrian and bicycle paths. To cast an informed ballot, make sure you know where the candidates stand on key civil liberties and civil rights issues. He said they are working on recruitment and retention efforts and in the meantime they have hired private security to help make up the difference. Oct. 14: Voter registration deadline. Charlotte and Mecklenburg elections who's running: NC Supreme Court Seat 03: Lucy Inman (D), Richard Dietz (R) NC Supreme Court Seat 05: Samuel Ervin IV (D), April C. Wood (R), Trey Allen (R). What does Heroux consider the key issues in this race? Context: Democrats took full control of the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners in the blue wave of 2018, and are looking to hold onto that this year. Challenger Tim Emry, a criminal defense attorney and a co-founder of Decarcerate Mecklenburg, is pursuing a more progressive tack of ending mass incarceration policy and never seeking the death penalty. District 100: John Autry (Democratic incumbent) Charlotte City Council at-largeWe believe the foursome of Dimple Ajmera, Larken Egleston, James Mitchell and Braxton Winston is the most capable and accountable representatives for a city facing challenges from public safety to economic inequity. Of note: Absentee ballots will be counted if they are postmarked by Election Day. is seeking to take back his old seat after his loss to Hunt in 2018. for her third term and faces three opponents in the Democratic primary. Read our Privacy Policy. Hes been a champion of Charlottes westside communities for decades and as the area transitions, his insight and connectivity are assets. Senator to soil and water supervisors. Prior to joining WFAE, Steve worked at the Charlotte Observer, where he started on the business desk, then covered politics extensively as the Observers lead city government reporter. Natalie Anderson covers the city of Salisbury, politics and more for the Salisbury Post. Mecklenburg County Board of Elections PO Box 31788 Charlotte, NC 28231 Office Location: 741 Kenilworth Ave. Suite 202 Charlotte, NC 28204 MAP Hours: Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hes also been a District Court judge, and he currently serves as a JAG officer in the Air Force. Democrats: Cheri Beasley is the frontrunner here. Since over 80% of the people who come into our custody self-report having some level of struggle with substance use disorder (SUD), we consider SUD a central issue. One of the marquee races of the 2022 election is the contest for Los Angeles County. Two district seats on the commission have primary contests. Its unclear whether Mitchell still has that ownership stake. MinnPost photo by Bill Kelley June 30, 2022 The three candidates vying to be the next sheriff. The family of Francine Laney, a woman who was found dead in her cell in March, is suing the sheriffs office. District Attorney Spencer Merriweather has a primary challenger running to his left. State Sen.Waddell is running for her fifth term to represent District 40, which includes Mint Hill and northeast Charlotte. Contact Board of Elections 704-336-2133 Send an Email Key Initiatives Work and Performance Plan Main issues include: (a) the inability of the sheriffs office to recruit and retain staff which puts pressure on the remaining staff, resulting in forced overtime and extensive use of sick leave for employees who are tired and overworked; and (b) lack of focus on the true mission of the sheriffs office. About Natalie Anderson Natalie Anderson covers the city of Salisbury, politics and more for the Salisbury Post. Black Political Caucus of Charlotte Mecklenburg North Carolina Committee $210,063 Total Contributions. Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden held on to his seat Tuesday, receiving 51% of the vote in the Democratic primary. Also, we want to expand vocational and other programming options at the house of corrections to better prepare inmates for careers upon release. The sheriffs race has attracted the most attention because of the continuing problems at the countys jails. What does Cocchi consider the key issues in this race? That program also includes individual and group therapy. Its raised concern with state agencies whove determined more needs to be done to either reduce the incarcerated population or add personnel. And one reason is that the new congressional map doesnt have many competitive seats. We will remain diligent in seeking out and implementing national best practices in order to provide the best services available to those in our care. What are Coppinger's top priorities for the office? Jim Hunt, faces cardiologistRusso. Sease and Eddinger are joined by incumbent Republicans Beth Dixon and James Randolph. Leigh Altman and Pat Cotham are seeking reelection. Heres what to know, In Meck district attorney race, Merriweather talks adjustments, Emry promises deconstruction, Sheriff primary challengers highlight Mecklenburg jail troubles, Research 2022 candidates for Charlotte mayor and City Council, Research 2022 candidates for Mecklenburg County commissioner, Research candidates for Charlotte congressional districts and US Senate. Politics. Im proud to work alongside these folks and intend to continue hiring, training and retaining the type of talented employees who have launched our agency as a national leader in corrections. Horch, Reynolds and Shook all bring experience to contest By Becca Robbins, Columbian staff reporter Published: July 23, 2022, 3:31pm 4 Photos John Horch, from left, Rey Reynolds and David Shook. Incumbents Altman and Cotham are proven public servants who are accountable advocates of Mecklenburg's interests while Mr. Griffin, a former Charlotte-Mecklenburg school board member, has an even longer track record of the same commitment. This is the most-watched state Senate race this year in the county, for the open seat currently held by Jeff Jackson. The ACLU of NC asked candidates in the Mecklenburg Sheriff primary election critical questions about issues that matter to our communities. Since October 24, 2022, MCSO has processed over. Cunningham is seeking a sixth term in office, versusHenning, who calls herself a conservative constitutionalist. The district covers parts of Huntersville and north Charlotte. We will modernize and professionalize our mission, train and equip our team, and shift our focus so that the men and women who come to the Barnstable County House of Correction and the men and women who work there all have a chance at success. At-large (vote for three): Pat Cotham (Democratic incumbent), Leigh Altman (Democratic incumbent), Arthur Griffin Jr. (Democrat and former school board member) and Tatyana Thulien (Republican and nonprofit leader of United Communities . Courtesy of the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections. While high-profile races like the U.S. Senate are garnering the most attention, local leaders make the largest impact on our everyday lives, from setting property tax rates to responding to the pandemic. Cannon, Mitchell, Slack-Maylield, Griffin earn nods Published Saturday, April 16, 2022 1:00 am by Herbert L. White FILE PHOTO Former Charlotte City Council member James Mitchell earned the Black Political Caucus' endorsement in the Democratic at-large primary. District 1:The district covers parts of Uptown, and neighborhoods just to the North, East and South, including Plaza Midwood, Dilworth, Druid Hills and NoDa. Robinson retired in January after more than two decades in law enforcement. Jim Hunt announced her candidacy Wednesday. "Re-Entry starts day one" is a term we embrace and that will remain one of our driving factors. She deserves re-election. But many of those new faces could be old familiar faces, too. TheMecklenburg Sheriff primaries will take place on May 17th. Shields, an engineer and former Mecklenburg County manager, is running against her. We believe that by excelling in our efforts both behind the walls of the institutions and in the streets of the communities we serve, we are putting the public first and injecting equity into our communities by offering opportunities. 2022 Election --- Office of Sheriff Updated: 01/09/2023 3:37pm SHERIFF PRIMARY ELECTION POTENTIAL 2ND PRIMARY GENERAL ELECTION SHERIFF Cabarrus Sheriff Van Shaw (R) Sheriff Van Shaw (R) Caldwell Sheriff Alan C. Jones (R) Sheriff Alan C. Jones (R) Camden Sheriff Kevin Jones (R) Sheriff Kevin Jones (R) Carteret Sheriff Asa B. Buck, III (R) Sheriff Asa B. Buck, III (R) ssistant federal public defender, Legal Aid attorney and private practice. Republicans: Business owner Jonathan Simpson,who says his partys been plagued by divisive rhetoric, immature leadership and an indelible political class; and Pat Harrigan, a combat veteran and Hickory resident who owns a firearms manufacturing company. Find more information about each list type below. District 2: Vilma D. Leake, the Democratic incumbent, is running unopposed. Mecklenburg commissioners District 2Vilma Leake is a well-known figure in District 2 and will continue to deliver on essential services and initiatives as its representative. Former Mayor Patrick Cannon, who was arrested on corruption charges while in office in 2014, is running. District 5: Five Democrats are vying for Newtons seat in east Charlotte: Curtis Hayes Jr., an activist who went viral during the George Floyd protests, realtor Liz Millsaps Haigler, Marjorie Molina (a member of the citys Equitable Development Commission), Mamas Caribbean Grill owner Vinroy Reid and Mark Vincent. We encourage you to do your own research, or better yet, reach out directly to candidates and ask why they deserve your vote. Rep. Lofton is going for a third term versusPomeroy in the race for this south Charlotte district that includes parts of Eastover and Myers Park. District 4: Democratic incumbent Mark Jerrell versus Ray Fuentes, Republican and environmental compliance manager for Coca-Cola Consolidated. How Do I. About Peter J. Koutoujian: Im the current sheriff as well as a former public defender, prosecutor and legislator. The four declared candidates are Mike Caskey, a county commissioner, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer and national guardsman; Tommie Cato, a retired state trooper and Marine Corps veteran. City Council District 4Renee Johnson has been an impressive addition to the council in her first term as an advocate for affordable housing and challenging the 2040 plan. Also, for everyone who has gripes about the way the state legislature is run, this is your time to vote to change it. Business owner Jonathan Simpson and veteran Pat Harrigan are on the ballot, with the winner likely facing Jackson in November. And then there is James Smuggie Mitchell, who was first elected in 1999. Mecklenburg County Board of Elections PO Box 31788 Charlotte, NC 28231 Office Location: 741 Kenilworth Ave. Suite 202 Charlotte, NC 28204 MAP Hours: Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Theres only one Republican running. Cheri Beasley (Democrat) v. Ted Budd (Republican). District 112: Tricia Cotham (Democrat) v. Tony Long (Republican) This program gives officers a feeling they have input into the recruiting process and a stake in growing the department's numbers. Three Democrats, including incumbent Sheriff Garry McFadden, are running to be Mecklenburg County Sheriff. Calendar of Events View upcoming election events, dates, and deadlines. The $2-billion budget is an increase of $105 million, or 5.5 percent, over the current fiscal year 2021 operating budget. There is a competitive primary on the Republican side for the 14th District. , there will be at least a few new faces on council next term. I am a . This district includes Mint Hill and parts of east Charlotte. Officeholders need to understand theyre beholden to their constituents, not overlords with freedom to act with impunity and without question. Cotham, a former representative, is vying with Long, a Mint Hill commissioner, for the seat. Mecklenburg Countys department of social services. 1 priority is staffing and safety. When inmates get the treatment they need the likelihood of them reoffending when they are released is lower. Standing served as a prosecutor in Mecklenburg County. They reported on police accountability and LGBTQ immigration barriers for the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. We operate the largest medication-assisted treatment program in the commonwealth, which treats SUD with one of the three FDA-approved drugs. In Mecklenburg, 21,026 people voted early in the 2018 primary. A primary was scheduled for May 17, 2022. N.C. House maps for Mecklenburg in 2022. Dimple Ajmera and Braxton Winston are the two incumbents. But in the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama won the precincts in what is now the 14th by about 3 points. 2022 Election Season; 2024 Election Season; Candidates; Contributors; Committees; Payees; Lobbying; Search. 2) Since budgets reflect priorities, look at the budget to reflect new priorities. It's been a long time, but it appears we're finally going to be able to vote in municipal elections this year. Courtesy of the North Carolina Judicial Branch. Incumbent Spencer Merriweather faces Democratic opponent and former public defender Tim Emry. (Democratic incumbent) is running unopposed. Find your Election Day polling place usingthis link. What are Hodgson's top priorities for the office? In my next term as Dukes County Sheriff, I will leverage our upgraded E911 communications system in anticipation of integration with the commonwealths upgraded digital-based CoMIRS (Commonwealth of Massachusetts Interoperable Radio System) network that would improve emergency communications interoperability and connect us regionally to other first responder networks. 2022 Election 2017 To Now; . Doing this will free up money to address low staff wages, increase the number of corrections officers working at the Bristol County Sheriff's Office, and increase programming and discharge planning. State Sen. Marcus is fighting for a third term against challenger Leone. About Thomas M. Hodgson: Law enforcement professional with more than three decades in public safety, including being the sheriff of Bristol County for the past 25 years. The new political maps lock in Democrats to almost all of Mecklenburg Countys state House and Senate seats. The other five are either current or former council members running for the at-large seats. At-large (vote for three): Pat Cotham (Democratic incumbent), Leigh Altman (Democratic incumbent), Arthur Griffin Jr. (Democrat and former school board member) and Tatyana Thulien (Republican and nonprofit leader of United Communities Association). You can vote from 6:30am 7:30pm at your designated polling place. Alexander faces Cook, Republican and engineer, for this north Charlotte district around Interstate 77. 2018 5, 6 "Inmates get more video visits, but Meck sheriff's . Leadership and accountability are necessary, and we believe Gina Hicks is best situated to answer the challenge. There are no Republicans in the race. Also a Democrat-leaning district 57% of the voters in its precincts favored Biden in 2020. District 4: Incumbent Renee Perkins Johnson faces nonprofit founder Cedric Dean, and Darlene Heater, former head of University City Partners, in the Democratic primary for this northern Charlotte district. For the most part, this guide only includes races where there are multiple candidates running in a primary. Tactical Response Unit (TRU) Were encouraged that both candidates are committed to the equitable pursuit of justice, but were siding with Mr. Merriweathers steady approach. Entries were lightly edited to meet style guidelines by The Associated Press, and incorrect claims were addressed in an attached editor's note. Former Sheriff Irwin Carmichael endorsed Hicks and the Black Political Caucus of Charlotte Mecklenburg endorsed McFadden. We have multi-faceted, evidence-based programming offering a multitude of different paths to long-term recovery. District 39: DeAndrea Salvador (Democratic incumbent) v. Mark Robeson (Republican) All arrest/warrant inquiries can be submitted to the Public Information Office mcsopublicinformation@mecknc.gov and will be processed as soon as data is available or Individuals can call Arrest Processing to look up and verify warrants until the online system is restored, 980-314-5100. District 2:Incumbent Malcolm Graham faces challengers Kendrick Cunningham, an activist, and Seversville neighborhood advocate Amar Johnson in the Democratic primary for the district covering much of west Charlotte. Thank you! Incumbent Sheriff Garry McFadden, a former homicide detective who once had his own television show, has served as sheriff for four years, and is seeking a second term. What does Buckley consider the key issues in this race? In the 12th District, Democratic incumbent Alma Adams is expected to easily win the primary. This northern Mecklenburg district that includes Cornelius and Davidson is one of the most competitive state house races in the area. What are Koutoujian's top priorities for the office? On the streets and in the schools, parks and waterways of our communities, my team will continue to have a positive presence preventing crime with targeted community outreach, youth engagement, public safety engagement focused on intervention and delivering unmet needs. [12] Walker opted to retire from the House and not run for reelection in 2020 because his district was made much more favorable to the Democratic Party after redistricting. Here's a guide to your 2022 ballot, Mass. Contact Board of Elections 704-336-2133 Send an Email Key Initiatives Work and Performance Plan Michael J. Stading is running against Charlton L. Allen in District 11. Must be received by 5 p.m. Here are his plans. The Charlotte Democrat and daughter of former Gov. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Trump announces third White House campaign, Rowan County voters re-elect three BOE members, two newcomers, Republican Ted Budd wins North Carolinas U.S. Senate race, Edds, Greene and Klusman re-elected for Rowan County Commission, each will serve third term. Our core mission is to provide individuals who experience incarceration, especially while struggling with substance use or mental health disorders, with the resources and supports necessary to secure a successful and lasting reentry into society. We broke down key races to watch this primary election season.
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