While the stuff he posts isn't always about the league, when he does put up information about football, it is guaranteed to be gold. Before that Texans game, for example, Shaughnessy used his column to gleefully ridicule the Patriots opponents, calling them pure frauds. It was the same caustic, one-liner-laden junk hes been peddling for years. For those that want an early jump on their fantasy football leagues, Fabiano is the man to get your information from. For being such a respected writer, King has quite the sense of humor on Twitter. The Globe and Mail Sports section provides sports news, post-game analysis, in-depth features and video on Canada's teams. Before you check out The Onion Sports Network, I must warn you that the majority of their articles are false. Meanwhile, sports talk radio station WEEI has stuck with many of the same hosts theyve had since the 90s, like Callahan, John Dennis, Glenn Ordway, and even Mike Adams. Today, the paper's sports section remains synonymous with Ryan, now semiretired, and his fellow columnist Dan Shaughnessy. The Yankee ties which may well have abated, as I havent followed him for some months can be grating. New York ran the score to 5-2, but the Sox clawed to within a run by the ninth. One of Ray Fitzgeralds best columns had nothing to do with sports, but was about his daughter recieving a doctorate degree. One of them was Eruzione, the teams irrepressible captain. If you're an NFL fan, here are 50 sportswriters that you simply must follow on Twitter. #ada-button-frame { Clockwise from left: Marvin Hagler; Dave Cowens and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; a crowd; Kevin Garnett; the 1980 Miracle on Ice; and Dave Roberts' iconic steal. Deceptively good stylist, too. Simply put, Speiers as good as youll find in this market at present, and if comments like Gammons are to be believed, would stack up well across the pool of national writers. In case it wasnt already apparent, this is a focus on Boston market writers. He knows everything there is to know about the Giants and tweets about them constantly. Who represents the pantheon of Boston sports columnists? Bill Barnwell writes with a unique view of the NFL and he shares that same view on Twitter. She is especially known for . Honorable mention too to John Updike, who only did two, but man . McDonough and Gammons for super inside knowledge. He also covers NASCAR for the paper. If thats the case, theres no question, the king is Ray Fitz. But the least I would expect from a sportswriter, particularly in an age where the commentary is growing more sophisticated at an accelerating rate, would be some basic logic to offset the emotionally driven opinions. From his flawed valuation of Clay Buchholz to his contrived and misleading assessment of the Jason Bay contract to his interminable crusade against our failure to sign Teixeira, Massarotti has shown little inclination to let the facts get in the way of a good argument. In 2007, the year in which Sabathia won the Cy Young, Cafardo gave him a fourth place vote, with Beckett getting the nod for #1. So it remained 2-0, not 4-0, when Bucky Dent broke his bat on a running fastball from Mike Torrez, then launched a slider into the screen. However, when you need a good break from your day and need to know if Tom Brady was mentioned more than Eli Manning on SportsCenterlast week, Deadspin is the place to go. Currently, he works as a sports business reporter at The Boston Globe in Greater Boston. I always enjoyed Jackie MacMullan,but I didnt see her listed. He's easily their top analyst, even though the information he gives seems a little far off at times. The playoff run was tougher than the teams 66 regular-season wins might have suggested. I never really considered McDonough a columnist, but more of an information guy. Judy Battista brings a wealth of knowledge and information to Twitter. The good old days are gone as far as Boston columnists are concerned. Usually, sports reporters give more. Marring this reputation, if only slightly, was an incident last season in which Okajima essentially ducked commentary following an ugly appearance, which is reportedly his custom. All of which is fine, and none of which is my concern: it would be absurd to suggest that because Abraham took a new job, he should sever all ties from his years on the Mets and Yankees beats. he bill liston, a beat writer, bob chick whalen. Im with Bruce on choosing Montville, Fitzgerald, and Ryanin that order. Strengths: A versatile reporter adequately conversant in modern baseball statistics, one with contacts that bridge the traditionalist / new school divide in front offices. Todd McShay is the other draft wunderkind for ESPN. Weaknesses: His diverse responsibilities have led to an inevitable decline in production. Dave Cowens was renowned for his intensity, but he played with particular passion in Game 7 of the 1974 NBA Finals versus the Milwaukee Bucks because he felt he had let his team down with a 5-for-19 showing in a losing Game 6. The truth is that Massarottis primary role, at present, is to generate controversy. Its a pleasure having him cover the Red Sox. And why should he change? In addition to being the all-time NBA scoring leader, he is currently fourth in assists, and he has always been about T-E-A-M. 4. Erudite, clinical, and with a wide range of interests beyond baseball, which he wasnt afraid to bring to the column. It appeared the series would be tied at 2 when the Lakers took an 18-point halftime lead in Game 4 in Los Angeles. Cherrypicks and prooftexts facts to buttress arguments that would otherwise be unsupportable. He deserved world wide aclaim Gammons would compare the Sox to battles from mythology and make it work. Likewise, a bit more depth of metrics in the Buchholz vs Wakefield decision would have benefited his analysis. Ater he retired joe became an official score keeper at Fenway.__My other choices are Timmy Horgan, Peter Gammons and Joe Fitzgerald. Whether its been in print or as a guest on WEEI and such, McAdam has exuded calm in a sea of irrationality. His work, fortunately, commands the same respect. Since he was one of the best to ever play the game, he has loads of knowledge about what really goes on inside the world of the NFL. With the bases loaded and two out in the bottom of the sixth, Thurman Munson signaled for a slider down and in on Fred Lynn. Mr. Allens rapier wit has obviously eluded you for a brief moment. 1) Ray Fitz. Editor-at-large in Globe Opinion, former editorial page editor Bina Venkataraman. The crossword clue possible answer is available in 12 letters. Type 1 diabetic. Witness the limitations of its technology infrastructure. But Bostons defense limited the Lakers to 33 points in the second half and they took a 3-1 lead. I thought she brought the human interest angle into her columns. He's honest and stays true to his opinions. As an NFL writer for the New York Times, Battista specializes in news regarding the New York Giants and New York Jets. One of the best things I've seen on Twitter happened by Bowen after Ricky Williams retired. Reporters will almost universally argue that it does, but what they typically dont address is how much of the need to report it is driven by frustration with or dislike for the player at issue. Shaughnessy has now written. LOVED reading his work. Jim McBride Retweeted. The picks were not the real attraction. Former WEEI host and current Barstool Sports podcaster Kirk Minihane caught Boston Globe metro beat writer and longtime tough guy Kevin Cullen fabricating sources and lying about his . On the eve of the game, we sat on the beach and Russ played songs hed learned growing up in Hawaii. Im 56 so that explains why I pick Roberts. It didnt feel that way for Sox fans. Globe staff 1. Long experience in the market. I maneuvered my way onto the field, 20 feet from Tom Brady, who, hands atop his head, looked incredulous as confetti fluttered onto his jersey. Wouldnt be able to do that today. Ernie Roberts. It seemed that he never was in the paper as often as Id like,which is the ultimate compliment. (LogOut/ In a perfect storm of Boston Sports, he made his big splash just as Fred Lyn,n Jim Rice and the rest of the 75 cast were making theirs, just as a young TV-38 gambled on putting on 80 games instead of the dozen that the VHF stations would show, just as a then-fresh Dick Stockton was giving a slightly cynical air to play by play. Which is why his inability to adapt remains a tragedy. Austin Lake, who I loved but can not really give a concrete reason.. You'll certainly learn a few things if you follow Schefter. When he does write, however, its worth reading. Austen Lake did pretty well after joinging the sports beat from being a straight type columnists. Just to clarify, were talking straight columnist here not a reporter or anything else. In fact, not much in the Boston sports media hasnot even the photos on the wall. I just look at this as something for my portfolio of basketball experiences. And I regard this first Celtics championship I was privileged to cover as a highlight in my portfolio of journalistic experiences. interesting angles. In it, he leverages his strengths well. Chris Mortensen has been around the league for a long time which makes him a wealth of information. Hes an exception on this list because he covers all of the major teams, not just the Red Sox, but hes included because I value his thoughts on the team. Montville and Ryan. All yo have to do is read Shank or Nickles dreadful impersonation of his Baseball Notes after he left to see that he was different and what he did was deceptively difficult. (Businesses: Want to donate a prize and get mentioned? As a former vice president of officiating, he often provides quality information regarding penalties and challenges. Dont know if I could pick a third, but if I had to, it would be Egan or Ryan. It all came together. And for the record, he was very gracious about my verbal implosion. He is hilarious and absolutely needs to be followed for his unique take on situations. Glenn Stout, the editor of the Best American Sports Writing series and a longtime New Englander, says, a place like the Globe hasnt had a turnover of voices in 20 or 30 years.. Its got to be Fitzgerald, Montville 1& 2. It was full of tid bits and humor and occasionally an inside scoop. Jackie MacMullan remembers Larry Bird once saying, Bob Ryan, hes as famous as we are. Butover time, the citys sports punditocracy has expanded to include not just the truly wise, like Ryan, but any sportswriter willing to blow hot air. Particularly those that trace him back through the Herald to the Eagle-Tribune. His wit and snark and brutal honesty had my attention from the first column. Granted, some promising young guys coming up in new mediums, but the shoes are very large to fill. if for no other reason than the NFL had few secrets when he was around. I appreciate, as does the front office, a balance between statistical and human based analysis. The Celtics proud franchise was in the midst of an NBA championship drought. With that context, herewith are the rankings. The newspaper said Cafardo had an embolism Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019, and Red Sox medical staff was unable to revive him. Cafardos willfull ignorance, then, is regrettable. If you want to see some of Zerkle's crazier side, I recommend you follow his alter-ego, @PUNTE. After the game, George Steinbrenner appeared in the Red Sox clubhouse. I freely admit to liking his old weekend thoughts/notes. Kapler). He's. The following is a partial list of sports writers. Hes forgotten more about this sport than most of us will ever know, and as such he remains the once and future #1. If you're into that fantasy football thing, Michael Fabiano is a man that you must follow. As an aside, Massarotti in the past has requested that critics not hide behind anonymity: Somewhere along the line, someone needs to devise a system in which people who post comments on the internet are required to provide their real names and, perhaps, places of employment. Bob Ryan is the standard bearer but Peter Gammons, Will McDonough and Dan Shauhnessy are soooo ever so close as well it's a tough call. Since columnist Michael Holley left the paper for a radio gig at WEEI eight years ago, its hard to think of a single distinctive voice the paper has developed and held on to. And its not just the citys core sports personalities that havent changed much. If your favorite team is in the NFC West, and you aren't following Mike Sando, you may be clinically insane. it was the best. Note that clicking the link below will block access to this site for 24 hours. Now he counts three dozen. Theres little question that Abraham brings a lot to Red Sox coverage generally and the Globe specifically. Cheesy to reply to your own message, but for Ryans most emblematic column, Id pick I-saiah. Good or bad, it doesnt matter, he wrote on his website, Boston Sports Media Watch. Borges, a Globe sportswriter for 24 years who was named Massachusetts Sportswriter of the Year four times and is a regular guest on a local sports radio station, was also barred from broadcast. Michael Silverman is an American journalist and sports business reporter. Tough to include Borges since he was being paid by Don King productions to broadcast and comment at PPV championship fights that he would also have to write columns on for the Globe. Better, hes genuinely funny in an understated way: think the Sports Guy less Vegas humor, reality show references and sexist jokes. Sports, his best journalism shows up when writing about the NFL. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The list is sort of subjective, so I didnt include Peter Gammons, as I think of him more as a baseball writer than a general columnist, while Will McDonough did mainly focus on football, but wrote columns about all sports as well, so hes on the list. Strengths: Excellent national context with broad coverage across the league. What more could you ask? But the Celtics took care of the Pistons in six, setting up a showdown with their rivals, the Kobe Bryant led-Lakers. 8 Frank DeFord - Sports Illustrated. Engaging and open to dialogue; hes responded to a couple of mentions on Twitter, which in my experience is rare. Will Mc in by a landslide. I cant speak for other fans, but I can say that his conduct there dented his reputation in my view. I have little patience, however, for those overtly displaying hostility towards numbers or the sabermetric side of the game. When Houston did get to Brady, he was 0 for 5 on completions, but those occasions, the site reported, were rare. It was still a year of magical thinking. Predictably, it provoked a strong reaction. The Boston Globe, New England's largest newspaper, has a habit of hiring journalists who fabricate information, misrepresent sources, or plagiarize writing. But as far as somebody that has been consistent, uncompromised, and is well rounded, I dont think you can find anybody but Bob Ryan. If youre a halfway decent beat writer in this town, said Mike Felger, cohost of the afternoon show on The Sports Hub and a CSNNE anchor, youll get on Comcast, or NESN, or Sports Hub, or EEI., Felger, of course, should know. Its not every day that one of your heroes not only lives up to, but exceeds your expectations. I just started laughing all over again just think about the first marathon column when Ray got disgusted with himself for added an extra block running to his total to beat last call at the local tavern. Another name for consideration, though how about Bud Collins? Somewhere, I still have a yellowed copy of the last column he wrote for the Globe before he left for S.I. Its bad enough that media outlets still overpaginate their content in an attempt to articifically inflate viewership metrics, but when the payoff for that click is a few words, well, you become the definition of a poor customer experience. Prone to substantial, unacknowledged factual errors. The F. Scott Fitzgerald of sportswriters. He was the first Boston sports columnist that I truely adored, and the Globe has been the same since he left. Gary Smith is a great writer, who happens to write about sports. It was a moment. We won, but you didnt lose, Steinbrenner told the Boston players. As a young reporter at the Des Moines Register (I was raised a Red Sox fan in Iowa by my Malden-born and Manchester, Conn.-raised father), I had access to the sports wire services. He wouldnt vote for Felix Hernandez this year because he believes that wins still matter. Which might be fair if Hernandez team score more than two and a half runs for him per game, but they didnt. I knew Will, he was a regular guy, his fame never over-took him. Sports, Doug Farrar has everything you could want from a journalist. With apologies to Ray Fitzgerald, whom I am too young to have read. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . He also loves his mom, which is a great thing. Excellent radio voice, as well. And in 2017, the NBA awarded him with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Strengths: Finns a writer first, which means content well above replacement value. Those were the best of a very good lot. I finally unfollowed Abraham on Twitter because I didnt really want to read about Yankees on a Boston beat writers Twitter feed. Jason La Canfora is as honest as they come as a writer and he doesn't lose any of that honesty on Twitter. Comcast Sports hasnt made the same effort that WEEI has to establish relevancy, and because Comcast competes with other media outlets McAdams ability to make relevant market media appearances is limited. Chad Finn, who like Speier and national writers such as Will Carroll, has enjoyed favorable attention from Gammons, is one of the remaining bright lights for me at the Boston Globe. Tight end Aaron Hernandez offered this enlightening bit of pablum: Weve still got one more to go to get to the big dance, so weve got to keep playing and come to play next week. And defensive standout Vince Wilfork was captured saying, Its sweet playing in the AFC Championship. Another big shocker. I would recommend going to their site after your favorite NFL team has lost a game. I have a certain bias (or lack of perspective, I guess) as my family has been Globe subscribers for generations, so the only time I read other papers regularly was when I delivered them. Some potential names you might considerand this is by no means a complete list. You never get this with Edes, which is a bonus as far as Im concerned. As the lead NFL writer for Bleacher Report, Josh Zerkle has established himself as a unique talent in the writing world. Minutes earlier, I had stood in the back row of the Superdome as the St. Louis Rams roared back from a 17-3 deficit to tie the game. Ya Im an old dog but I know what I like. Glenn Stout told me that, 20 years ago, he might have been able to come up with a dozen Boston sports-media personalities. What made the game special for me was the local angle four of the players were from Boston University. I still can see him vaulting over the dasher, heading for open ice, taking a pass from the corner, and scoring the shocking goal that capped off the Miracle on Ice. But thats probably as it should be, and the relevant point is that hes not afraid of numbers, or of learning more about them. Seriously, move onto the next slide already. Boston Globe Sports. Oh, FWIW, I couldnt stand Ernie Roberts. In that spirit, everything he might want to know about me can be found here. is quite exciting to keep tabs on. The phenomenon of reporters seeking revenge on players through the pen is hardly new, especially in Boston. After his more than 30 years at the Globe, everybody knows the columnists shtick: Be contrarian, be over the top, and, if at all possible, be part of the story. Respect for the profession of sportswriting, then, I do not lack. Why did Cafardo give Beckett the edge? He was middleweight champion of the world, Revisiting some additional key moments, and key figures, in Boston sports history. If you've ever got a question about the NFL, send it over to him and he'll likely reply with the answer you are looking for. Like Murray Chass and other traditionalists, Cafardo is aggressively old school, with his antipathy towards modern analysis regularly on display. As forward-thinking as that sounds, the newspapers core approach to sports coveragewhich still relies on boilerplate game recaps, columns, and weekly notebooks offering bullet-point takes on the happenings from the various sports leagueshasnt changed much over the years. It continues to workthe rest of the citys sports-media complex feeds on his bluster. Could this get any easier? Shaughnessy wrote. The extra staffing is important to help the paper fulfill what Sullivan says is its mandate in this digital age: to serve the Web and print at the same time.. Former Boston Globe sports writer and foreign correspondent Steve Fainaru, now with the Washington Post, received the International Reporting Pulitzer for his stories on private security contractors in Iraq. what, no mention of Joe Giullotti? The mood on Main Street outside the Lake Placid arena that afternoon in 1980 was defiant, almost militant. He has all the who, what, where and hows of the draft, and is always up for some quality draft talk. His insight into the actual business of the league (contracts, rules, etc.) You know that this man is obsessive about fantasy football because he's already starting to put out fantasy mock drafts one week after the Super Bowl. He'll often repeat what a guy like Todd McShay or Mel Kiper, Jr. said and give you his take. Robert Bob P. Ryan is an American sportswriter, born on the 21st day of February in the year 1946. And Horgan was terrific. The mood on Main Street outside the Lake Placid arena that afternoon in 1980 was defiant, almost militant. The NFL Twitter account of the world's greatest sports website (too much?) He was almost elected Commissioner of Basketball for crying out loud. I don't know how this man gets any writing done with tweeting so frequently, but it happens. When the team added stars Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen to go along with Paul Pierce before the 2007-08 season, there was suddenly hope to hang up banner No. It appeared the series would be tied at 2 when the Lakers took an 18-point halftime lead in Game 4 in Los Angeles. Tears, my friend. The credentials said No Women or Children in the Press Box, and I had no locker room access, but the 76 Patriots were magnificent. And while hes not in the camp attacking statistics, neither has he embraced them the way that peers like Speier have. Tom Palmer, a former editor and reporter at The Boston Globe, said the arguments against objectivity "were dead wrong back then and I believe are dead wrong even more so today." Kayana. It set the stage for Kevin Garnetts (pictured) Anything is possible! yell after winning the Celtics first title since 1986. Jackie McMillan The Lady has her stuff together, especially on that basketball court..Hail Jackie, just keep it going girl! As I stood beside him on that February night, it occurred to me: Barrier-breaking journalist Lesley Visser is seen covering Patriots training camp in 1976, her first year on the beat. Ray Fitzgerald was terrific as well. How did the sports media in this town, once the envy of the nation, become so awful? My time will be spent elsewhere, on writers with more substantive agendas to pursue. Secondly, McDonough. Theres no question. Then, after carefully making a point to praise the work of his own baseball writers, he added, Its like in sportsyoure going to lose some games. Although his staff has shrunk overall in recent years, Sullivan has increased the number of reporters on the marquee Patriots and Red Sox beats from two to three each. Ernie Roberts, the bespectacled, gentlemanly editor used the region's smaller newspapers and college. I think he is worthy of the best. Turd one would think that this was Bruces attempt at playing to the masses after last week but you just never know. Gregg Rosenthal has been in the world of the NFL for quite some time and as such, he provides great insight. He cites sources, gives insight and has great knowledge about the game of football. Im not naive enough to expect something erudite and grounded to ever sell well on a volume basis; Mencken, better than any of us perhaps, understood this. This search result is here to prevent scraping, On the Market: A Rustic-Chic Home on a Ski Trail in Vermont, On the Market: A Newly Built Farmhouse in Concord, Silver Dove Afternoon Tea Opens in Downtown Boston, The Real, Essential Backstory of the MLK Statue The Embrace', Widowmaker Brewing to Expand from Braintree to Brighton in 2023, What the Boston Athenaeum's $17 Million Renovation Looks Like, Careers and Internships at Boston Magazine. Some sportswriters just cover the draft or just cover the games, but Brooks can literally do it all. And the biggest chunk of that world belongs to the NFL. a scout for the Pirates, and don gillis had a sports discussion program on whdh, 850 on your dial, called the voice of sports. Weaknesses: Undifferentiated in the marketplace, and likely to lack the resources of more aggressive and committed outlets moving forward. Not agents or team sources, but the actual players. And hes certainly competent at doing so. Brownes coverage is credible if non-differentiated. Few people provide quality draft content on Twitter like Josh Norris. Jim Trotter is what I like to call a serial tweeter. Joseph Lipchitz named managing partner at Saul Ewing in Boston February 22, 2023 at 4:59 p.m. Attorney Joseph Lipchitz, a former military prosecutor and ace media lawyer, has been named. True, its more often basic metrics like OPS+ rather than, say, xFIP or WAR, and he remains skeptical when it comes to the accuracy of modern statistics. How did Hagerty make this list? This isnt to say that this was the case with McAdam, but the context here is important: fans by and large do not care nearly as much about players not talking to the media as the media do, for obvious reasons. One on how it is his life goal to never run 26.2 miles cumulatively for the rest of his live and another on how he couldnt even drive the marathon route, never mind run it. She's covered the New England Patriots, the Boston Celtics. The majority of content that Greg Bedard puts on Twitter is related to the New England Patriots, but as a former journalist covering both the Green Bay Packers and Miami Dolphins, Bedard does a good job at sharing about most NFL teams. Injuries, contracts, trades and more are all likely to be covered by Clayton via Twitter. His analysis is always spot on, he never jumps to conclusions and is generally one of the nicest individuals you could follow on twitter. Thats where I discovered Leigh Montville. We dont need our writers to root for the Sox, but it would be nice if they didnt actively encourage Yankee fans. Bob, Powers asked, why aren't Globe readers hearing from the athletes? Leigh Montville. The worst of the worst? @PFWAwriters. Its little things like his dispatches from airports that allow readers to identify with him in ways that they cant with traditional beat writers, whose columns and even blog entries are typically sanitized and overedited. How about John Gilloly(sp) or Huck Finnegan or Bob Coyne (cartoonist). Winning titles was nothing new for John Havlicek and Don Nelson, but for Cowens, veteran rebound ace Paul Silas, and young backcourt stars Jo Jo White and Don Chaney, it would be a career first. I know tennis was his main thing, and Ive never been a big tennis fan, but he certainly had the longevity, wrote engagingly about his love, and became a nationally-known figure. The US hockey team celebrates its victory against the Soviet Union. Ray Fitzgerald hands down. I swear that is a real article on that website. Dave Cowens and the Celtics outlasted Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1974 NBA Finals. I also liked tim horgan. Of course, you're likely to get complaints about the quality of looks at the Playboy Mansion, but it is definitely worth it for the NFL business information you'll receive. Matthew Berry is Mr. Fantasy Football for ESPN. He loves the game of football and has a great sense of humor. He seems to break the biggest stories, have all the inside information and is able to give great insight into the league as a whole. Boston Globe Sports Instead of focusing on their craft they focus on their next ESPN-NESN-WEEI appearence and their writing suffers because of it. Its just that too many of our sportswritersahem, sports personalitieshave become adept at using these 21st-century tools to serve up what is little more than the same old slop.
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