`csrutil disable` command FAILED. Disabling rootless is aimed exclusively at advanced Mac users. Disable System Integrity Protection with command: csrutil disable csrutil authenticated-root disable. MacOS Big Sur 11.0 - Index of Need to Know Changes & Links UPDATED! I understand the need for SIP, but its hard to swallow this if it has performance impact even on M1. Why do you need to modify the root volume? I suspect that quite a few are already doing that, and I know of no reports of problems. As explained above, in order to do this you have to break the seal on the System volume. I imagine theyll break below $100 within the next year. Individual files have hashes, then those hashes have hashes, and so on up in a pyramid to reach the single master Seal at the top. I have more to come over changes in file security and protection on Apple Silicon, but theres nothing I can see about more general use of or access to file hashes, Im afraid. My wifes Air is in today and I will have to take a couple of days to make sure it works. Furthermore, users are reporting that before you can do that, you have to disable FileVault, and it doesnt appear that you can re-enable that either. Best regards. This saves having to keep scanning all the individual files in order to detect any change. Hopefully someone else will be able to answer that. % dsenableroot username = Paul user password: root password: verify root password: You do have a choice whether to buy Apple and run macOS. No, because SIP and the security policies are intimately related, you cant AFAIK have your cake and eat it. Do so at your own risk, this is not specifically recommended. You have to assume responsibility, like everywhere in life. I essentially want to know how many levels of protection you can retain after making a change to the System folder if that helps clear it up. Yes, unsealing the SSV is a one-way street. Am I reading too much into that to think there *might* be hope for Apple supporting general user file integrity at some point in the future? the notorious "/Users/Shared/Previously Relocated Items" garbage, forgot to purge before upgrading to Catalina), do "sudo mount -uw /System/Volumes/Data/" first (run in the Terminal after normal booting). Assuming Apple doesnt remove that functionality before release then that implies more efficient (and hopefully more reliable) TM backups. Search. Search articles by subject, keyword or author. If you dont trust Apple, then you really shouldnt be running macOS. Once youve done it once, its not so bad at all. You probably wont be able to install a delta update and expect that to reseal the system either. Restart or shut down your Mac and while starting, press Command + R key combination. OS upgrades are also a bit of a pain, but I have automated most of the hassle so its just a bit longer in the trundling phase with a couple of extra steps. If you wanted to run Mojave on your MBP, you only have to install Catalina and run it in a VM, which would surely give you even better protection. Mount root partition as writable But I'm already in Recovery OS. I have a screen that needs an EDID override to function correctly. Thanx. Howard. only. Nov 24, 2021 4:27 PM in response to agou-ops. This workflow is very logical. What definitely does get much more complex is altering anything on the SSV, because you cant simply boot your Mac from a live System volume any more: that will fail these new checks. While I dont agree with a lot of what Apple does, its the only large vendor that Ive never had any privacy problem with. The only difference is that with a non-T2 Mac the encryption will be done behind the scenes after enabling FileVault. csrutil authenticated-root disable thing to do, which requires first to disable FileVault, else that second disabling command simply fails. Apple owns the kernel and all its kexts. But I could be wrong. This is because, unlike the T2 chip, the M1 manages security policy per bootable OS. Apparently you can now use an APFS-formatted drive with Time Machine in Big Sur:, Under Big Sur, users will be able to back up directly to an APFS-formatted drive, eliminating the need to reformat any disks.. Pentium G3258 w/RX 480 GA-H97-D3H | Pentium G3258 | Radeon Other iMac 17.1 w/RX480 GA-Z170M-D3H | i5 6500 | Radeon Other Gigamaxx Moderator Joined May 15, 2016 Messages 6,558 Motherboard GIGABYTE X470 Arous Gaming 7 WiFi CPU Ryzen R9 3900X Graphics RX 480 Mac Aug 12, 2020 #4 MAC_OS said: All you need do on a T2 Mac is turn FileVault on for the boot disk. Thank you. Apple acknowledged it was a bug, but who knows in Big Sur yet (I havent had a chance to test yet). SuccessCommand not found2015 Late 2013 Each to their own With an upgraded BLE/WiFi watch unlock works. Type at least three characters to start auto complete. Thank you yes, weve been discussing this with another posting. And you let me know more about MacOS and SIP. If I didnt trust Apple, then I wouldnt do business with them, nor develop software for macOS. Its free, and the encryption-decryption handled automatically by the T2. Why I am not able to reseal the volume? SIP is about much more than SIP, of course, and when you disable it, you cripple your platform security. 2. bless Apple keeps telling us how important privacy is for them, and then they whitelist their apps so they have unrestricted access to internet. Further hashing is used in the file system metadata itself, from the deepest directories up to the root node, where its called the seal. I wanted to make a thread just to raise general awareness about the dangers and caveats of modifying system files in Big Sur, since I feel this doesn't really get highlighted enough. On my old macbook, I created a symbolic link named "X11" under /usr to run XQuartz and forgot to remove the link with it later. In your case, that probably doesnt help you run highly privileged utilities, but theyre not really consistent with Mac security over the last few years. Additionally, before I update I could always revert back to the previous snapshot (from what I can tell, the original snapshot is always kept as a backup in case anything goes wrong). If you choose to modify the system, you cant reseal that, but you can run Big Sur perfectly well without a seal. Critics and painters: Fry, Bell and the twentieth century, Henri Martin: the Divisionist Symbolist 1, If that cant be done, then you may be better off remaining in Catalina for the time being. It requires a modified kext for the fans to spin up properly. Im a bit of a noob with all this, but could you clarify, would I need to install the kext using terminal in recovery mode? For example i would like to edit /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist file and add Still a sad day but I have ditched Big Sur..I have reinstalled Catalina again and enjoy that for the time being. not give them a chastity belt. It had not occurred to me that T2 encrypts the internal SSD by default. So much to learn. 5. change icons Run the command "sudo. Theres no way to re-seal an unsealed System. . Running multiple VMs is a cinch on this beast. Howard. westerly kitchen discount code csrutil authenticated root disable invalid command Yes, terminal in recovery mode shows 11.0.1, the same version as my Big Sur Test volume which I had as the boot drive. I like things to run fast, really fast, so using VMs is not an option (I use them for testing). I keep a macbook for 8years, and I just got a 16 MBP with a T2 it was 3750 EUR in a country where the average salary is 488eur. . I input the root password, well, I should be able to do whatever I want, wipe the disk or whatever. Whos stopping you from doing that? For years I reflexively replaced the Mail apps unappealing postage stamp icon with a simple, old-fashioned, eye-catching mailbox it just seemed to make visual sense to me but with all the security baked into recent incarnations of macOS, I would never attempt that now. During the prerequisites, you created a new user and added that user . Howard. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the. If not, you should definitely file abugabout that. There are certain parts on the Data volume that are protected by SIP, such as Safari. modify the icons To make that bootable again, you have to bless a new snapshot of the volume using a command such as sudo bless --folder / [mountpath]/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot Paste the following command into the terminal then hit return: csrutil disable; reboot You'll see a message saying that System Integrity Protection has been disabled, and the Mac needs to restart for changes to take effect. Then you can follow the same steps as earlier stated - open terminal and write csrutil disable/enable. NOTE: Authenticated Root is enabled by default on macOS systems. Thanks for your reply. 3. Time Machine obviously works fine. A simple command line tool appropriately called 'dsenableroot' will quickly enable the root user account in Mac OS X. In T2 Macs, their internal SSD is encrypted. that was also explicitly stated on the second sentence of my original post. So for a tiny (if that) loss of privacy, you get a strong security protection. from the upper MENU select Terminal. Yes, completely. Sounds like youd also be stuck on the same version of Big Sur if the delta updates arent able to verify the cryptographic information. Why choose to buy computers and operating systems from a vendor you dont feel you can trust? Well, I though the entire internet knows by now, but you can read about it here: So it seems it is impossible to have an encrypted volume when SSV is disabled, which really does seem like a mistake to me, but who am I to say. Couldnt create snapshot on volume /Volumes/Macintosh HD: Operation not permitted, -bash-3.2# bless folder /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/System/Library/CoreServices/ bootefi create-snapshot, Custom kexts are linked into a file here: /Library/KernelCollections/AuxiliaryKernelExtensions.kc (which is not on the sealed system volume) Howard. Intriguingly, I didnt actually changed the Permissive Security Policy myself at all it seems that executing `csrutil disable` has the side effect of reduce the policy level to Permissive, and tuning the policy level up to Reduced or Full also force re-enabling SIP.
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