But I've heard consistently that the Cambridge sounds better which I would expect. If you no longer wish to receive the call, please click the button to cancel your request. Mac Mini? Weve carefully chosen the components of this kit to ensure a crystal-clear listening experience. I thought I'd just see how well it worked for larger drives so I connected my Toshiba 2TB drive with about 1TB of music files via the USB input. It may not display this or other websites correctly. CXN's DAC is definitely better than Node. It seems as the CXN uses dual DACS and has balanced outs. I would prefer to have a streamer that connects to my existing pre, rather that one that replaces the pre, at these price ranges, as I havea long term plans to keep going up the Naim pre/power ladder. Some great advice above, I started a thread covering my own thought processes around streaming options with Naim kit. Use Tidal either directly to CA servers or along Qobuz via Roon to PS Audio. Both can be Roon endpoints, thought the Cambridge is by virtue of Chromecast. Cant speak for the CA CXN, but using my Vault 2, going through the DAC in my CA 851C is far better then the DAC in the Vault. All Naim streamers have a digital output which allows you to run them with a separate DAC as an upgrade option. A better switch dramatically improved performance by eliminating lag, dropouts, arbitration issues when the network is particularly busy, etc. Hi, I have tested both Audiolab 6000N and Bluesound Node 2i with a wide variety of speakers. That USB-C is direct, right? and you got the option to use an external dac. Is this possible? I found the Bluesound Node 2 to sound a lot better than the CCA through a cheap Schiit Dac. (,,,) The node is appealing pricewise and I like what I have seen/heard but have yet to see or hear a cxn in the wild. JavaScript is disabled. All component separate. AVForums.com is owned and operated by M2N Limited, The customer support team is personal and phenomenal. So have Sony, Onkyo, NAD, and others. There are pros and cons on both sides. You'd think hardwired would be easier to get right Cambridge Audio/Music Direct - CXN v2 Network Player Network Player on Sale for $725, https://www.audioxpress.com/news/ca-audio-components-with-updated-ess-sabre-dacs, Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service. Cambridge Audio CXN(v2) Streamer . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Now changing the amp to Acoustic Portrait Swara v2 integrated amp. As already mentionned by others, good streamer with nice corresponding app and added a Teddy Pardo power supply to lift up SQ. My advice to anyone who asks is to investigate them only after you are satisfied with every other part of your system, with emphasis on the speakers, room acoustics, and electronics. I've used the USB out to my DAC, and like many others have had to revert to a digital coax connection for Roon as crackles and pops make listening impossible. Being able to connect a HDD is much more ideal. It might actually sound better but any help would be appreciated. Please consider the user interface. I prefer Audiolab over Bluesound Node 2i. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, ND5-XS vs Bluesound Node vs Cambridge CXN v2. Any difference? JavaScript is disabled. Cambridge Audio CXN Version2. Hello. USB-C audio and the iPad Pro: Everything you need to know, Cambridge DacMagic vs Cambridge CXN v2 /v3, cambridge streamer cxn v2 USB tracklist error, issue with ECI-2, CXN v2 and external 2.5" HDD, Amplifiers, Phono preamp, and Analog Audio Review, Streamer/Dac Suggestions For AE1 Active's. 99 Sale price $299. To be fair Blue Sound vaguely mentions this and favors the use of a NAS but personally unable to justify the extra hustle. I think its a home-run product. To help you choose the right speakers, we recommend using Crutchfields SpeakerCompare Listening Kit. It lets you compare sonic characteristics between speakers so that you can make a more informed shopping decision. Crutchfield: Legendary Service. You know more than I do! The Chromecast is is pretty impressive but it isnt gapless. Problems with DSD, flacs skipping, bad WiFi connection. Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) & CXA80 Double Review | The Master Switch The Master Switch Search Home Theater Best Full Systems 5.1 Home Theater Systems 7.1 Home Theater Systems AV Receivers Im not even sure which service might be best, for me. From their Facebook page post of 9/20/19: I sold off the CXN 2 because it sat unused. Multi-room network audio players Multi-room connectivity emerged with the advent of digital music and wireless streaming. That's weird. My place for electronics, great customer service, product expertise & lifetime technical support. I purchased a black one this morning from Music Direct at the reduced price. The NODE has native integration with just about every streaming service with the exception of Apple Music (and it does have access to Amazon, despite a previous post). But what about the sound quality? i have mentioned before, i had an all JBL LSR 3XX system with subwoofer and I could not get the pacing nor timing right until I added Audirvana that was the missing link. Its available for a nominal rental fee, and includes a $25 Crutchfield merchandise credit. If you want to save some money and still want Tidal MQA you could go with a Bluesound Node 2i instead of the CXN. Best streamer for Qobuz? Yeah no to be clear, the DAC I want to use is in the A-S801 amplifier. I didn't know that. 1 Home Entertainment Tech Resource. Hi, there is no NDS2!? Hm, lets see what others have to say, but i think any random long usb a to b (there were plenty because of the printers) + an adapter to whatever usb you need should be more than fine. (Not sure if I can get the correct interconnect for my toe though!). It can also transmit studio-quality music to Bluetooth headphones or external speakers. Select your brand of headphones in the right-hand column. Ned's best friend helps him evaluate frequencies only dogs can hear. They're always very helpful! Learn how to get great sound from your computer, tie it into your home audio system, and improve your user experience. I find it an excellent combination. the Amazon Associates Program via amazon.com. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Pleased with this digital part of my sound system while looking around and saving funds for a more performant replacement. So I know if I get a streamer and hook-up a hard drive to my files then I know Ill get clean source if I bypass the streamers DAC, however what Im trying to find out, is that if I skip the streamer and directly go from USB-B on the A-S801, through an appropriate cable, and straight into a tablet or phone, HOW to bypass the internal processing of the tablet or phone, so it can send a direct signal to the cable and onto my A-S801. You must log in or register to reply here. I think that perhaps my options are likely to be focussed on the Node or maybe the iFi Zen streamer (?). Calls may be recorded for training and quality control purposes. My setup is as follows and it sounds great. When I had the Node 2 I used two outputs. https://www.head-fi.org/threads/warm-sounding-vs-dark-sounding.15160/, Buying Advice - Raspberry Pi or Bluesound Node 2021, Digital + Analog Converters (DAC/ADC/DDC), Acoustic Portrait Swara v2 Integrated Amplifier review. The Node can be impressive and always seems to be compatible with every streaming service around. There is a thread talking about how it re-indexes and that it takes a whileI got the impression it will workbut was not really designed to do this. This has been a fantastic experience. What I was trying to figure out was this: If I were to purchse, for example, a Node and then later add an nDac to it, presumably this would now sound better. Star Wars 4-6 are the best movies. If I recall correctly the Node 2 did not test well. I have the CXN V2 and with a Qutest it performs brilliantly. I have been reading some threads about the addition of an nDAC being a possible wothwhile upgrade to these, at some point. USB-C on iPada makes the a legit streamer option IMO. Looks like the only changes to the CXN v2 is a new paint job Agree, same for the CXC as well. How USB Storage Differs From A Local Library, Cambridge Audio Introduces CX Series 2 Audio Components with Updated ESS Sabre DACs, https://www.cambridgeaudio.com/gbr/en/beta-testing, Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service. digital 149206-129624 Difference between Bluesound Node 2i and Cambridge CXN v2 Looking at both of these units and I know there is a $500 difference but can anyone tell me the differences between them and which might be better? In equal volume mode, we've made the loudness of each speaker about the same. I appreciate its going to be affected by the DAC, I currently have a Chord Mojo (and will possibly upgrade to Hugo) and I prefer the USB, but thats not a deal-breaker. All using original Naim interconnects and NAC-A5 cabling to an old pair of Castle Harlech speakers. Bluesound Node (New) The Cambridge is in the list because i like the idea that I could use the internal DAC instead of my A-erhalten DAC, if It is better. Would this hold true, for the nDAC, if I were to obtain an NDS2 or NDX at a later date, making it more favourable as a longer term investment - or would these mk2s negate the addition of an nDAC ? It's a good sale now that Cambridge has announced the CX Series 2 line coming next week. displayname, Oct 2, 2019 #12 psulioninks Forum Resident For the money I doubt theres anything else out there to beat it until you start spending Naim or similar entry level price points. Every time I use Crutchfield I am happy. I guess. I have the moon neo 250i amplifier Top . The Bluesound is also half the price of the Cambridge piece. So it's not the Connect app anymore but one called Stream Magic? AUDIO X Post subject: Re: Bluesound Node 2 vs Cambridge CXN. Yes, with the caveats that the source device (tablet/ phone / streamer) isnt doing anything to the file before passing it on. Like the sound of the old Thorens TT. CA has no Roon or direct Qobuz connection. Another vote for the Blusound here, like you I was curious and dipping my toes, auditioned a Node 2i and it stayed. This gives you a more direct comparison of subtle voicing differences between speakers. Find out what makes high-res audio sound better, and how you can experience it. Europe's busiest forums, with independent news and expert reviews, for TVs, Home Cinema, Hi-Fi, Movies, Gaming, Tech and more. Hence the post! Which did you prefer and why? Naim ND5-XS (S/H) Bluesound Node (New) Love Crutchfield! Dear friendsWhich one to choose? The website is extremely user friendly, unbeatable product selection, customer support, and audio knowledge. If you are looking for SQ, go with CXN If you are looking for ease of use, go with Node. I compare the Cambridge Audio CXN version 2 to the Bluesound Node 2i in this video review. SpeakerCompare is protected by patents and patent applications owned by Crutchfield Corporation. I mean, why would anyone want the internal DAC limiting the sound, then sending it on to a better DAC? A quality USB-C to USB-B cable from Amazon or Monoprice will got the job done. I have a CXN v2(as source with Flac, streaming Spotify) paired with CA351a and Elac 2.0 B5.2. Then I got thinking the money I would spend on a streamer.. The new one has touch buttons led lights on top of the unit. The first is the Audiolab 6000N Play, which I consider to be the best sounding streamer in that price range. Its a brilliant streamer, dac, Preamp, bluetooth & Mqa is also there. So the cambridge gets rave reviews but It would be a struggle finding room in my existing CD6006 and Marantz Pearl Lite set up. The Matirx streamer as well as the audiolab streamer are superb too. With its Bluetooth aptX, the Bluesound Node 2i easily supports 24-bit streaming directly from your phone or tablet. No one supports Amazon. I need to replace my modded Sonos connect with a new streamer. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I get the feeling the prices on these needed to go up to keep them in circulation and including them in a "new" series is a pretty common move. I want to load a hard drive up with my library (AIFFs) and play from it. Powered by Xenforo, Hosted by Nimbus Hosting, Original design Critical Media Ltd. this can result in this site earning a commission. Messages: 2,061 . Any thoughts on which would be the best idea from the following choices? I can't speak for apple devices but android ones most certainly do do that processing unless you use special software like USB audio player Pro app. Which is by no means guaranteed with Android (and possibly Apple- but check the threads on here about that) devices. See which models top our list of best picks for 2023. But performance in the real world is affected by the acoustics of your car or home, your choice of amplification, and your source material. Compare Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) vs Bluesound NODE Free 2-day shipping to Washington 1-888-955-6000 Contact us Your account 0 Your cart Shop all departments Articles & videos Car audio & video Home audio TVs & video Headphones & wireless Marine Smart home Cameras & drones Pro audio Health More Specials Articles & videos B2B Sales Go Back Estimated wait for next available agent : Well email you a transcript of this conversation for your records. You are using an out of date browser. Nothing comes close. It doesn't just read the files and display them in the Bluos app? I had intended to make an introductory post, in the lounge, but got carried away with myriad questions! I am looking forwarding to attaching one of my external hard drives to it for playback of lossless vinyl rips while I work. So I know if I get a streamer and hook-up a hard drive to my files then I know Ill get clean source if I bypass the streamers DAC, however what Im trying to find out, is that if I skip the streamer and directly go from USB-B on the A-S801, through an appropriate cable, and straight into a tablet or phone, HOW to bypass the internal processing of the tablet or phone, so it can send a direct signal to the cable and onto my A-S801. The NAD C399 has higher output and also the possibility of upgrading and having room correction. But it's a little involved and if you don't like to tinker stick with the CXN or get a Node 2i. #12. affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network, and I have my ipad pro connected to my dac/amp via usb c , everything sounds nice. Personaly I'm not interested in other functionality like dac and pre amp. Thanks for that. Plus an in-depth review of the service by Jeff Miller, Crutchfield's headphone guy. model is referred to as Node N130. Ive also hooked it up to my integrated amp and it works great as well. Been down this road; if you're using the Yamaha DAC and want plug/play convenience, easy to use interface with self updating software, very good customer support, excellent resale, and access to EVERY source known to man just get the Node or used Node 2i and be done with it. CXN (in my opinion) has a little darker sound (not to be confused with warm). Posted: . Preferred the smsl su-8 over their inbuilt DAC. The CXN is great at $900, but even better at less than that. One into my Dac and then one analog out from the Node. Im still using a NP5 and Hugo mk1 - it sounds fabulous. Personally, I think you are better off with the NODE. iTunes ( my Windows computer) rips my CDs directly to my NAS Ethernet drives. company number 03997482, registered in England and Wales. Both are good but prefer my PS Audio Directstream with Bridge II overall. I could purchase the s/h ND5-XS for roughly right inbetween the new prices of the Bluesound and the cambridve. Files are large as unable to justify individual track ripping for some music styles (jazz, classical) and instead do full record sides. I am mostly concerned with SQ on the digital outputs. The Node, no question. This website uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. The former is more detailed, neutral and works with a variety of upstream equipment. CXN is also 40% more expensive. My first-hand feedback is that the Node works fine as a streamer (MPQ radio sounds good). May 1, 2020. Definitely not looking for a Sonos or any bluetooth type audio, or multi-room stuff. Im sure some are going to throw in the Node does MQA but even so a superior DAC w/o MQA is still going to be better. The CXN V2 is older but likely to have better sound quality. Anyone have hands on with both? As far as I can tell, so far, the latest (2021?) I think there was an android USB DAC app that did something like that (?) Copyright 1996-2023, Crutchfield New Media, LLC. A second hand Auralic Aries mini is another option worth considering. Bluesound Node 2i This is another plug-and-play all-in-one box solution similar to the Yamaha. Hi, looking for some advice please. I use an iPad Air as a streamer into the USB on my Element II DAC/Amp. It is half the price of the Cambridge and has a much better user interface with BluOS. If anyone still on this thread, what is the difference in streaming quality vs the two.
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