@BR_ID) - getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. setarray getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@id+"["+getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @i] == getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID) || @inventorylist_id[. Twenty One Pilots Concert Experience BREAK SERVER, Project Star Script - (Item TP, Mob TP, Dungeon TP & More! // > .area[] = Define the area where the zone will be selected from! @p*6-6]+" - "+. @enchant3[0], 4700,4701,4702,4703,4704,4705,4706,4707,4708,4709, // > AGI: 4730,4731,4732,4733,4734,4735,4736,4737,4738,4739. "; query_sql "SELECT `donate_item_db`.`id` FROM `donate_item_db` LEFT JOIN `item_db` ON `donate_item_db`.`id` = `item_db`.`id` LEFT JOIN `item_db2` ON `donate_item_db`.`id` = `item_db2`.`id` WHERE `item_db`.`name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `item_db`.`name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `item_db2`.`name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `item_db2`.`name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"'", @iid; mes "You have specified to delete "+@itemname$+" from the database. @BR_ID))+" seconds. @l+"]"); setarray getd("BR_EQ_OPT_VAL"+.@o+"["+.@s+"]"),getd("@inventorylist_option_value"+.@o+"["+. @rand2); deletearray .@rmin2,getarraysize(. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_REF[.@s],@inventorylist_refine[. setarray .@opt_id3[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id3[. //===== ToDO =================================================, //= Optional: Add a check to define the server type (pre-renewal or renewal), // (Would affect Classes and Random Options), //============================================================, // Note: This below is a to prevent deletion of non-storeable equipments, like WoE Gear so it won't get deleted/dropped accidently, if(getarg(0) == 4) { // Load saved Equipment, for ( set . "; switch(select("- Game Mode:- Arena's:- Restricted Skills:- Nevermind")) {. @cards))]; // * Enchant Slot 1 (Card Slot 4) - Status Enchants (STR/AGI/VIT/INT/DEX/LUK - 1~10), // > STR: 4700,4701,4702,4703,4704,4705,4706,4707,4708,4709. setarray . Anime Artifacts Simulator GUI AUTO FARM FREE MIHAWK SWORD & MORE! set .@x,rand(getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]"),getd(".area_"+. @l]; } else if(getarg(0) == 3) { // Save Equipment. @p,1; . @l+"]"),1; set .@place,BR_Rank(getmapusers(strnpcinfo(4)),.@type,getarraysize(getd(".rew_place_"+. setd(".@c"+.@s),.@cards[rand(getarraysize(. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_C3[.@s],@inventorylist_card3[. Hello Guys, i want to show you my first own Script Hub! For example, Phantom Forces doesn't use humanoids. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_AM[.@s],@inventorylist_amount[. @d < getd(".downed_slots_"+. //= 3.10 - Applied previous fix to other variables and forced, //= dialogue box closure every time database is, //= 3.11 - Explicit reset of another variable. @m + 1), // * Allowing Admins(Group 99) to use @commands. @l],2) == 3 && getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[. npcskilleffect "WZ_ICEWALL",1,. | 12.91 KB, GetText | 4720,4721,4722,4723,4724,4725,4726,4727,4728,4729, // > INT: 4710,4711,4712,4713,4714,4715,4716,4717,4718,4719. ",bc_all; deletearray getd(".Downed_"+. You signed in with another tab or window. "; mes "Do you really want to reset your starter weapon? Please enable / Bitte aktiviere JavaScript! We hope you enjoy your gift! Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Main functions for Arsenal Aimbot: Aim ESP Teleport No/Recoil Spoiler Script Silent Aim Functions: Silent-Aim Head Target No Wallbang Team Check Spoiler Silent Aim debugmes "X1["+. @o,1; . @r); dispbottom "Invalid Input! @place+" in the Battle Royale Arena ["+getd(".arena_"+.@BR_ID+"$")+"]! "; if( (.Arena_Event && getgroupid() < .Arena_Access) || !.Arena_Event) {. @BR_ID))), if(!. @BR_ID)-1)+"]"),cell_landprotector,0; setd(".z_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".z_"+. @or; set .@o,. @er; set .@es,. @e+5]); // Depending on the Item Type, use the correct Cards for it, // Blue Acidus, Dark Pinguicula, Dolomedes, Elder Willow, Gibbet, King Dramoh. "; for ( set . @s + 2). This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. setcell strnpcinfo(4),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+1)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)-4)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. set .@er,rand(.equip[.@e+9],.equip[. @o <= 5; set .@o,. @type) && getd(".Timer_"+. @BR_ID; setarray getd(".area_"+. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Einbroch") == 1), else if(compare(. @p*6-4]); waitingroom .arena$[. return ( (. @type) && getd(".Timer_"+. @e+"]"); setarray .@OptParam[getarraysize(.@OptParam)],getd(".@opt_p"+.@o+"["+. @BR_ID)) == 1) {. Video Link: Script (Direct):loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/pinUW20M", true))() Quote Topic Tags RobloxAthena RoyaleRoblox Athena Royale HacAimbotESP @BR_ID)); set .@p,. "; mes "Your currently have "+countitem($@BR_RewID)+"x "+getitemname($@BR_RewID)+". @p < getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_"+getcharid(1))); set .@p,. @BR_ID); set .@y1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. @t+2)+"] = "+getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. if(@inventorylist_id[. set . @o + 1) {. @c,0; . Probably contains bugs/security, //= 1.1 - Added a check for whether the account exists when, //= adding a donator. @s)) // If Card Slot . | 14.50 KB, JSON | @BR_ID) - 4; // Moving Index to next zone. @o,1; . @BR_ID) + getd(".last_zone_size_"+. Added checkweight feature. @s,1; . @l],2)) {. // > [3] = Refine > 1= Yes/0= No (Refine Amount is Random), // > [6] = Cards > 1= Yes/0= No (Card Amount is Random), // > [11] = Random Enchantments > 1= Yes/0= No, // > [12] = Random Options > 1= Yes/0= No (Random), // Note: 1 Equip = 15 Values! @t+1)+"]")+", X2["+(. The Labyrinth GAMEPASS GIVER SOUND ALERT & MORE! Each item has a, //= price rather than a quantity. @s,1; . "; switch(select("- Dagger:- Sword:- Mace:- Staff")) {, switch(select("- Sword:- Two-Handed Sword:- Spear")) {, switch(select("- Sword:- Two-Handed Spear:- Spear")) {, switch(select("- Two-Handed Staff:- Staff")) {, switch(select("- Bow:- Musical Instrument")) {, switch(select("- Mace:- Staff:- Book")) {, switch(select("- Axe:- Two-Handed Axe")) {, switch(select("- Sword:- Mace:- Dagger:- Axe")) {, switch(select("- Dagger:- Fuuma Shuriken")) {, switch(select("- Revolver:- Rifle:- Gatling Gun:- Shotgun")) {, } else if(getvariableofnpc(.BR_StartWeapon,"BR_Init") == 0 && BR_WeaponType), for ( set . @a_menu$ + ( (getd("$@BR_Status_"+. @enchant2 - "+getarraysize(. "; query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`amount` FROM `donate` ORDER BY `amount` DESC", @donatoraid, @donatedamount$; JSON | @BR_ID+"[0]"),57,93,383,255; setarray getd(".area_"+. @BR_ID) - getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".@zone_c_y_"+. @rmax1); deletearray .@rpar1,getarraysize(. @s <= getd(".loot_box_"+. @i]; setarray .@opt[. Login Sign up. | 13.28 KB, JSON | @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Niflheim") == 1), else if(compare(. doevent "BR_Arena#"+getd(".BRID_"+strnpcinfo(2))+"::OnClearSpotEvent"; setd(".PTYID_"+strnpcinfo(2)),getcharid(1); addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnResCheck"; while(. @BR_ID),cell_chkpass) == 0 || checkcell(strnpcinfo(4),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. 8 min ago @e,0; . "; mes "You can support us by donating any amount of money. @cards[0],4032,4322,4045,4609,4254,4058; // Choco, Giant Whisper, Kasa, Noxious, Orc Baby, Punk. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_EXP[.@s],@inventorylist_expire[. if(@inventorylist_bound[. "; mes "About what do you want to learn more? "; mes "The feature is disabled or you didn't chose one yet. @place+" in the Battle Royale Arena ["+getd(".arena_"+.@BR_ID+"$")+"]! @i+2]); mes " > Registration Timer: "+$@BR_RegTimer+" Minute"+ ($@BR_RegTimer > 1)? "; mes "Sorry, but you do not have enough to claim "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s."; mes "I'm sorry, but you cannot carry "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s."; query_sql "SELECT "+@quantity+" * "+@price$, @total$; mes "Are you sure you want to claim "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s for $"+@total$+"? mes "Every class recieves starter armor on entering the battlefield. close. @BR_ID)); announce .n$+": Well done! @m,0; . @m < getarraysize(.mf); set .@m,. @e+"::OnBREnd"; // Reward Formula: (Kills + Base Reward)*Placement Points. @BR_ID)); set .@t,. set .@ref,rand(.equip[.@e+4],.equip[. @rmax1[0],100,100,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10; // 2nd Random Option Slot - Race/Class/Size Damage Multipliers. "s":""; mes " > Minimum Level: "+atoi(.arena$[. @id+"::OnBRStart"; setd(".@zone_c_x_"+. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_BOUND[.@s],@inventorylist_bound[. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"5") == 1 || compare(. mes "It seems like you are registered already. // Note: There is a global config, except .arena_ and .area, at the end of these lines. Thanks For The Support!,-Bugxie @BR_ID))), if(!. You Asked I Delivered.. Bugxie Providing you the best virus-free Roblox Exploit Videos!JOIN OUR DISCORD:https://discord.me/bugxieScript : https://bit.ly/AthenaBattleRoyale(Contact me on discord for credits)Timestamps:0:00 - How to download the script0:55 - Script showcasePagesRoblox profile : https://www.roblox.com/users/1037290265/profileRoblox Group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/5642372/Bugxie#!/aboutExploitKRNL ( FREE EXPLOIT ) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qCdNzTiNzkALL CREDITS GOES TO RESPECTIVE OWNERS! DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. "; query_sql "REPLACE INTO `donate_item_db` VALUES ("+@iid+",'"+@cost$+"')"; logmes "Changed the price of "+@itemname$+"s"; mes "Item "+@itemname$+" does not exist. rAthena - Ragnarok Online Emulator - NPC Scripts. @rand2)+", "+getarraysize(. @cards[0],4252,4418,27018,4283,4430,4079; set .@cs,rand(0,getitemslots(.equip[. @p,0; . // BR_TxTColor(3," ") = Just an empty space, didn't want to use mes for that. @cards); deletearray .@rand1,getarraysize(. "; if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1) != getcharid(3)) {. 35 min ago @s + 1). // > CRIT: 4926,4939,4940,4941,4764,4765, // > DEF: 4791,4792,4793,4794,4893,4902,4903, // > MDEF: 4890,4786,4891,4787,4892,4788,4789,4790, // > HP: 4927,4795,4796,4797,4798,4799,4861,4862,4867,4868,4900. @a_menu$ + "- "+.arena$[. @y; movenpc "#BRZ"+getarg(5)+"-"+getarg(4),getarg(2),. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Aldebaran") == 1), else if(compare(. @BR_ID+"[0]"),33,53,257,220; setarray getd(".area_"+. @p+"]"),1; // Check if every member from the party has died and remove it from the total count, if(getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_"+getcharid(1))) == 0) {, for ( set . @BR_ID)); for ( set . (The script automatically sets NO_HUMANOIDS to true for Phantom Forces though. waitingroom "Battle Royale - Inactive",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWaitingRoom"; for ( set . loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HELLLO1073/RobloxStuff/main/Island%20Royale%20V1.lua", true))(), JSON | @type == 2)? @BR_ID))-1)+"]"),cell_landprotector,1; for ( set . @i] != 0) {. You Asked I Delivered.. Bugxie Providing you the best virus-free Roblox Exploit Videos!JOIN OUR DISCORD:https://discord.me/bugxie Script : https:. @id) < $@BR_RegTimer), else if(getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @BR_ID)) == 0). "; mes "How many "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s would you like to claim? @w < getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+. @p + 1) {. attachrid(getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0,getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@id+"["+. | 13.16 KB, JSON | @max_l) {. GOD MODE NO DEBOUNCE TELEPORTS & MORE! @i]; setarray .@opt_p5[.@c],@inventorylist_option_parameter5[. @e+1)+"]"); if(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. local flytoggle = false. @BR_ID) end; if(! @e + 1) {. @rpar4); for ( set . This script can work, //= 3.1 - Added quotes to some queries, fixed a variable and, //= 3.2 - Fixed a problem where eAthena would crash if a, //= 3.3 - Optimized query speeds by combining a few select. | 0.24 KB, JSON | Island Royale | ESP, SILENT AIM + MORE | OP AF. setarray . @t+"] = "+getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. @l + 1) {. | 13.28 KB, JSON | ",bc_all; setcell strnpcinfo(4),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID))-4)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID))-3)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID))-2)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+. //===== Comments ============================================, //= This script uses SQL tables to store variables for the. @c*6-6] + " - ["+ ( (.arena$[. @id)) < (.@rpl*. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"16") == 1 || compare(. $rate must be set for it to be, //= used. @BR_ID)+"-"+@BR_Downed_Spot; doevent "#BR"+( (. JSON | @m)); if(@inventorylist_option_id1[. Everybody which want to participate come to me! @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Alberta") == 1), else if(compare(. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Payon") == 1), else if(compare(. Required Arena ID for "+. @s,4; // Define first Card Slot for first Enchant, for ( set . @i]; setarray .@opt_ct[.@c],.@opt_ct[. 4750,4751,4752,4753,4754,4755,4756,4757,4758,4759; // * Enchant Slot 2 (Card Slot 3) - ATK/MATK/FLEE/CRIT/DEF/MDEF/HP/SP/ASPD Enchants, // > ATK: 4882,4766,4767,4894,4895,4904,4905. setarray .
Summerton, Sc Obituaries, Moanalua Valley Trail Deaths, Dylan Paul Conner, Articles A