2. The article talks about principals not being just managers of a building and staff but about being an instructional leader which is aligned with the role of a principal today. \0a{WiodcuA]rZ+_(@fE=HmT~_m;+CI'c&m[ NJz-I3}go77y2m@>W[P %K'-Meg:yyteXb\h~0\^c_$K\Z%o(2W{p11t`^0K,2=0qNFkYMwccK]7qY3gOV5s&
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By spring 2014, NWEA MAP scores for K-5 students will increase by 25% in the area of vocabulary with the implementation of a school-wide initiative in vocabulary instruction.Below is the data from our fall MAP testing and 2013 Benchmark Exam:o More than 50% of K-2 students are below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word studyo 60% of 3rd and 4th are below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word studyo 67% of 5th below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word study2013 Benchmark Literacy scores for all students were 78.67%2013 Benchmark Literacy scores for TAGG students were 75.95%. Timely - goals must have a clear timeline with start and end dates. Process/Exemplars: The following pages illustrate a six-step process for constructing administrator goals, followed by examples of goals from elementary, middle, and high school administrators. Time-bound: Set a deadline for your goals so you can stay on track and motivated.. It is those 2nd order changes that are sometimes difficult to defend unless you have great support from the top down. Teacher observation data also can be used to inform principal professional development goals. This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Many schools have assistant . These might include taking steps to learn relevant skills, expand your professional network, or find more satisfaction at work. I will take a step up in my career from being an office assistant to a paralegal in the next four years. Below is a guide to assist you in creating a concise resume that covers all those areas. Displayed strong decision making abilities and confidence to staff and students. We use the AR state standards because there is a correlation between MAP and benchmark. When she is not writing, Connie is either spending time with her daughter and two dogs, running, or working at her full-time job as a social worker in Richmond, VA. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N Can you explain what Measures of Academic Progress is? SMART goals are targets that are designed to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. management and behavioral science knowledge to the larger goal of student learning" (pp.18-19). I guess in a non professional term we are looking to see "just how we are doing at OHMS." Manage student behavioral issues including those in the . More to come (long video!). District Provision for Assistant Principal Professional Development Provision of 2000 2002 2004 Activities Yes No Yes No Yes No Elementary 33/32% 66/67% 20/22% 70/78% 26/40% 39/60% I also want to know how you guys are making RTI more systematic. As an administrative assistant, youre in a unique position within your company to have an overview of so many different sectors of your team. Take leadership training. 10 Examples and How to Set Them, Build in demand career skills with experts from leading companies and universities, Choose from over 8000 courses, hands-on projects, and certificate programs, Learn on your terms with flexible schedules and on-demand courses. Be picky about how you spend your time. Not just EVALUATIONS, but feedback. It poses questions to the individual for more a thought provoking approach. The engagement book is for my leadership group. This allows teachers to collaborate with kids and set goals for their next assessment! Example 3. Seeking a position at [School Name] to improve the standard and quality of your operations. Increase decisiveness by outlining exactly what's important. Principal Teri Stokes has some personal goals for the year ahead. Administrative assistants are often the face of the company because they send communications out to fellow employees as well as clients and people who have some type of interest in the success of the business. 4.2 #2: Familiarizing Beforehand. Start smaller, and identify your interests. Assist the principal in interviewing and evaluating instructional and non-instructional staff. Join our global community and start learning today. For example, large school districts often have instructional coordinators who help with data analysis and with teachers' professional development. This will be measured by the number of people who RSVP to events or open publication emails.. Professional development and career growth are frequently associated with Individual development goals. 47 Examples of Smart Goals. As I stated earlier, the gentleman does not have the best delivery, but the nuts and bolts of the message is very strong! While the Benchmark test is in its last year, we have support from our BOE to go ahead and assess all we can using the CCSS. I like the potential for MAP to show growth but there is frustration with the inaccuracy of the winter results. It's been more of a "let's try this and see what happens" and then just try something else if it doesn't work without a true basis for the change. Our district has been very proactive and only gives the MAPS assessment based off of the CCSS. Achievable. Beefing up your credentials can open up new career opportunities or clear a path to a promotion. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
To make a goal specific, you need to turn something like I want to grow my business into I will sign on three new clients for my consulting business within the next six weeks by asking current clients for referrals, creating a social media marketing campaign, and attending networking events so I can grow my business and increase my bottom line. This way, you know exactly what you need to do and how youre going to do it. i6G1zyq8
!y(XfC;$"1vvs8Ns[2Ry?JO. n(nW~K2umR[%ELmrdyJ:-vetaC[7h4I5+yfH!|VN$j|m].(h(f)(F &Q=F}}Fa3TH`M$xZ4Ti)QOQ You may create administrative goals that increase your office's productivity. I agree with Mindset. Work with supervisor to set long-term goals. Revenue goals work well as the company's primary goal. Individual development plan examples are plans of action set up to increase your knowledge and boost your abilities and skills. I am sharing about Marzanos research on change. Some workplaces have mentoring programs in place that make it easy for people to connect with a more experienced professional. Here is a list of 21 personal goal examples to help you develop your own goals: 1. How do you plan to measure your progress? Your goals can go a long way if theyre connected to your organizations goals as well. What skill you choose to develop can depend on your industry, job, and personal preferences. If you find yourself fascinated by your coworkers ability to analyze data sets, try learning Python or another programming language. I have been in that position where I was expected to do only certain jobs as the assistant principal. 4.6 #6: Build a Good Remote Work System. This is where is the district just comes in and fires the building leadership without giving them the opportunity to grow. This example provides a matrix for creating SMART goals. By developing the skill of asking good questions, you'll uncover useful insights from your team members that will help you lead better, fix problems when they're small, and learn what your team members need most to thrive. Leadership Project SMART Goal:By spring 2014, Literacy Benchmark Scores will increase by 5% for a proficiency of 85% for 3rd-5th grade students. cluster is Professional Capacity of School Personnel, Professional Community for Teachers and Staff, Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community, and Operations and Management. Ongoing progress will be monitored by MAP assessments. Rather than thinking of ourselves as instructional leaders, we need to think of ourselves as lead learners. Broadening your skillset. In the past I have read a professional article once, set it down, and never come back to it. This is my new mantra to read everyday. You need a metric of some sort to be able to measure where you are now versus where you want to end up. This makes me think of the "No More Valentines" article from Morgan L. Donaldson in the Educational Leadership journal from May 2010.More to come, 9. Having SMART goals will help you make the most of your time in your current position to prepare you for greater responsibilities in the future. As the hub of the organization, it often falls on you to do things to bring all of the employees together. MAP feedback is a lot faster until waiting until June to get the results. Without a deadline, you will also lose a sense of urgency. The heart of the school consists of curriculum, instructions and dismissing staff that are not adequate.As a principal, we are chasing a moving target. HZ>nOOia75s7? These are the doers of the organizationwithout which, many companies would just be a group of talented people with ideas or services to offer, but no way to connect all of the dots. ~^C)2C$^TPh+J6: Is a Master's in Computer Science Worth it. Try selecting two or three diverse goals that cater to different aspects of your career development in order to get the most impact from your work. Sample Principal Professional Development Plan District Name School Name Date Clearview School District Gladwell High School May 16, 2014 Principal Name Chief School Administrator/Designee Name Plan Begin/End Dates Joseph J. Donnelly Sarah Joyce July 2014 - June 2015 1: Professional Learning Goals PL Goal No. I am on top of it)The main points I thought about in his his presentation are:1. Looking forward to hearing some good ideas. Keep your bigger goals in mind while youre making your short-term goals. Measuring things with metrics, often as a way to communicate your value as a professional or team. Second order changes are the larger changes (examples: PARCC, TESS, CCSS) where the leaders are hearing people say why should we have to do it differently, for years this worked, we dont get any input. But as leaders, we know we have to help make this type of change happen because it is in the best interest of student achievement. Organize professional development programs, conduct teacher performance reviews and participate in classroom instruction and observation. Accountability for students to perform better on standardized tests is still a priority.Principals are facing a changing leadership structure in which there is shared power with classroom teachers. Because of this, you can add practical and strategic value to the operation of the business, which can then help boost the success of your long-term career. In fact, you can get your class reports the NEXT day! A licensed Loan Lender, We offer Affordable Loan at 3% interest rate available for local and international borrowers, Are you seriously interested in getting a genuine Loan without stress? They can help you stay up-to-date on industry trends, increase engagement and job satisfaction, and align you with what you want out of your career and life. I got to hear Doug Reeves speak when I was at the Solution Tree PLC Institute. Example: SMART: "Today I will write 500 words about the power of love between 10am and 2pm.". A team which supports the goals of the building. While these changes are occurring, the administrative team is using Marzanos 21 Responsibilities and Day to Day Management of a School. Aiming to refine your qualifications can increase your success, your earning potential, and your competitiveness as a prospective employee for other agencies in the future. These time limits will help prevent procrastination and motivate you to get to work. 4.7 #7: Learn How to Give Great Feedback. Experienced Assistant Principal Are K-2 students test covers CCSS and our 3-5 test covers the AR standards. 1. We have new staff on board at our school and changes have been occurring. PRINCIPAL, K-8 SCHOOL. Read more: Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: Whats the Difference? MICHAEL SAMSON. How will your administrative skills be improved once your goals are achieved? Creating SMART goals doesn't have to be a rigid formula, but more a checklist of things to include in your plan. Here are some goals you might set to improve your workday: Schedule lunch or coffee chats with coworkers, Create a plan to prepare healthy meals for lunch, Set reminders to take intermittent breaks throughout the day, Clarify boundaries on work expectations outside of working hours, Gratitude, Mindfulness, Happiness, Meditation. Even though it is a few years old its very relevant for the changes still taking place in school leadership. STOCKTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. An achievable goal is one that you have the skills and resources to accomplish within the given time frame. {:&0UV@i_/JB)\x>qpj&)D3Y?WKe YJ@}! Here are some concrete goals you might aspire to: Read two books in your field in a quarter, Listen to one podcast on a relevant topic a week, Find 10 experts in your field on Twitter to follow. It's definitely an encouraging book and it is a great reminder to all of us that we need to continuely pursue integrity at all times, no matter how difficult the circumstance is.Enjoy!Stephanie. Intellectual Property Watch. Explore Bachelors & Masters degrees, Advance your career with graduate-level learning, What Are Professional Development Goals? http://alaprincipalpractices.blogspot.com"The Principal's Role in Successful Schools: Creating a Positive School Culture"Principal; September/October 2008This article talked about two specific activities that school leaders can implement that help improve and/or build a positive school climate. Once you get your credential, dont forget to inform your manager and list it in relevant places like your resume and LinkedIn profile. Become an expert in your domain. I am also interested in the SCALE process. Shadowing another department can have myriad positives: it can encourage communication and cooperation across siloed teams, inspire ways to improve your own team, and leave you with a better understanding of how your organization works., Ask three people from different departments to lunch, Create a program in your workplace to encourage cross-team shadowing, A mentor can help you navigate challenges in the workplace and help you progress in your career.. Or if it makes sense, reach out to somebody in your workplace that you think youll be able to learn from. Setting goals that are SMARTspecific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-boundcan clarify what you need to achieve in the short-term to arrive at your long-term goals. While I know there is a large financial incentive for Solution Tree which they co-own, they believe strongly in what they preach! These goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Now, of course there are all levels of administrative assistants, depending upon the companys needs. Job satisfaction is tied to many factors besides enjoying the work itselfincluding forming fulfilling relationships with coworkers, achieving work-life balance, and keeping your mental and physical health in check. If youve always admired your manager who can speak eloquently in front of others, consider a public speaking course. Earn a certification, license, or degree. Sample Document The Goal-Setting and Professional Development (GSPD) process is an ongoing, recursive process where teachers reflect on current professional practices, identify professional growth goals, establish a professional development plan to attain those goals, track progress towards goals over the course of the year, andeflect on goal . and insufficient resources for rising expectations. ;Vaa#bk|| ~:W$`_VN7x.L@MB;|t%H!d5=kTs=kv1E+NZfh_okAt1q*D^yR^:7RYs
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> toAb_UMY>{~3 i+N:K. In essence, a career path is the route you take to achieve your career goal or goals. Professional goals are linked to your career. Data analysis, project management, or UX design courses may give you the skills you needbut consider other fields like creative writing, public speaking, or foreign languages that can deepen your work in more unexpected ways. One, they establish clear performance expectations between the assistant and supervising manager. By May 2015 I will provide a variety of opportunities for parent/guardians to participate in 4.4 #4: Work on Your Presentation Skills. Break your long-term goals down into bite-sized pieces so you can work toward that ultimate win bit by bit. Achievable: Setting a goal that you can realistically achieve is key to actually achieving them. SMART Goal - By May 2014, there will be 2 surveys sent to the teachers of Cooper Elementary School to determine both general and special education satisfaction with collaboration and resulting student achievement of students receiving special education services. Timely <>
Goal: report customer satisfaction to show the value of service improvement initiatives. Approach your manager to see how you might be able to put your leadership skills into practice. Doug Reeves discusses how "One size does not fit all. Number Openings: (At time of posting) Not Specified. Maintain 100% I-9 Form compliance. I have found myself going back to things as I have grown in my career and learning that reading the piece for a second time can shed new light on the topic. Supporting other employees. While most people aim for each job in their career path to follow a linear pattern and be progressively better than the last, it's not . Knowing your strengths will allow you to leverage them to your advantage. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. Meet with supervisor for feedback. Provide you with opportunities to work on areas that you may currently be struggling with at work. Gain experience at a large, well-known company. Attend professional development seminars, Final Thoughts on SMART Goals Examples for Administrative Assistants, bigger goals in mind while youre making your short-term goals, type of growth they believe you could make, 15 Songs About Acceptance of Others (and Yourself), 125 Fun (and Clean) Would You Rather Questions for Kids, Interact with others in the company on a more equal playing field, Create connections with people in other departments that can lead to future job opportunities, Bond with colleagues who may be able to write recommendation letters for you in the future, Receive recognition for putting forth the effort to care about company morale. 4.8 #8: Get a Certificate or Degree. Continuous learning will benefit you in any position so you can stay up-to-date with current trends, resources, and knowledge. The Principal Quality Standards are foundational to providing every student with what they deserveexcellent school leaders who are consistently supported in their efforts to improve in their profession, support their teachers' professional growth and influence student Administrative assistants have the opportunity to make small changes in a company that can make a big difference for saving time and increasing productivity. Effective goals are time-bound, with a date in mind for it to be complete so you can pace yourself along the way. I came away with the problem being that Administrators are not trained or prepared to be an Educational Leader. _&gc;u\/[%/IUDZ>l}>va%ILWhb?Vu
L{Ma;2N#3#r4OU&!Fd!IV@_wL+j0;6#nZ6r'd7awk2k$9U{^U-?+S[qo]$u I have seen some of our more at risk kiddos look at these score and WANT to do better! This may mean creating a vision board or just posting them in writing on your bulletin boardbut either way, you want your SMART goals to be prominently posted somewhere that you see them every day to ensure that they stay in the front of your mind and you stay focused on the impact that your daily actions has on your goals. Goal setting, progress monitoring, and goal attainment, as part of professional development planning, is the continuous process of acquiring and refining the skills necessary to execute practices that improve student achievement.
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