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We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding They were aware that snacks and drinks are available any time of day although two people had made requests that were not received. Two other people made comments about the confined space around each bed although they felt staff did their best to help maintain privacy and confidentiality. Effective governance and management arrangements are put in place in outpatients. This clinic was dynamic and comprehensive. How would you like us to communicate with you? Medicines aremanaged in line with national guidance and the law. You can find further information about how we carry out our inspections on our website: www.cqc.org.uk/what-we-do/how-we-do-our-job/what-we-do-inspection. Ophthalmology. This posed a risk to people in the community waiting for a 999 response. There was very limited audit in end of life care though the trust had identified this and were developing an audit plan. Our strategy for a healthier life for everyone through care, learning and research. 22 September 2015. The allergy clinic had a one-stop allergy service that provided diagnosis and management of a wide range of allergic disorders. 25 December 2012, One person in theatres said 'Staff have been very kind and reassuring. 24 June 2022. There was improved learning from incidents across the divisions. Staff had worked very hard under sustained pressure across health and social care services. addenbrooke's safeguarding team. The inspection framework focused on five key lines of enquiry relating to critical care, infection prevention and control, patient flow, workforce and leadership and culture. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt. She was later transferred to Addenbrooke's in . By ticking this box you are confirming that you are happy for Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust to use your email address to send news, updates and fundraising . The ACTIVE Children and Young Peoples Board enabled current and former young patients, and any other children who were interested, to meet and share ideas. Services around end of life are reviewed to allow for fast track or rapid discharges to be undertaken in a timely way. every child deserves the chance to be mentally and emotionally healthy. Toll Free: 800.998.7767 . (01223) 245151, Provided and run by: Business Hours/Visiting Hours: Peterborough inpatients - Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. suchy beton pod zamkovu dlazbu; weather in the pacific ocean on a cruise; mike missanelli show cast; why does chimney on 911 always chew gum; hospital linen attendant job description Conflict over the choices of what should be done can cause ethical dilemmas related to values or personal or religious beliefs. Patient safety covers a range of things from protecting you against infections like MRSA, C.Difficile, Covid-19 and Norovirus, to ensuring high standards of care to prevent pressure ulcers, falls and blood clots. Continue to improve referral to treatment time performance including for cancer services and reduce the number of cancelled operations. R: 20/09/23. The trust had received support from NHS Improvement since it was placed in special measures in September 2015 and had undertaken a review of governance structures across the organisation. The electronic patient record (Epic) had now been in place for some 2 years. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Cambridge University HospitalsNHS Foundation TrustHills Road,CambridgeCB2 0QQ, What to expect when you come to our hospitals, Addenbrooke's 3 - CUH modernisation programme, Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). Ensure that neonatal early warning observations are completed, recorded and responded to according to protocol and clinical need. There was a large audit programme. We spoke with 74 members of staff including nursing staff, consultants, junior doctors, support staff and senior managers. Patient safety informs everything we do. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. Terms and . We carried out a focussed follow up inspection on 9th and 10th February with an unannounced inspection on 23rd February. We visited services and departments that patients may encounter or use during their stay. This entry was posted in offline website builder software for windows 10 on June 30, 2022 by .offline website builder software for windows 10 on June 30, 2022 by . the service is performing well and meeting our expectations. Covid-19 Whole School Risk Assessment. On the basis of this inspection, I have recommended that the trust be placed into special measures. To ensure this is the case, we have taken the following measures: No rating/under appeal/rating suspended People that we spoke with were not aware of how to raise any concerns about abuse or safeguarding issues and had not seen any information about the hospitals procedures to support them. Our Patron & President. addenbrooke's safeguarding team . Most people were very satisfied with their treatment and the experience of being a patient in the department. The role of the chaperone is to provide practical assistance with the examination and to provide support to the child, family member/carer, as well as to the person examining. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. There had been an increase in permanent staffing levels resulting in very low levels of agency nurse usage across the trust. . During this inspection we inspected all key questions in all of the eight core services. The revised governance systems were sufficient to ensure that the senior team had robust information on which to make decisions. It encourages collaborative working and sharing of clinical governance data between the general critical care unit and the Neuro Critical Care Unit. Performance was closely monitored and there were plans in place to address staff shortages, particularly for health advisors, and there was a successful on-going recruitment campaign. The hospital staff worked hard to make sure they had the information they needed on admission to meet patients' needs effectively and to ensure an appropriate and safe discharge from hospital. Each week has a theme with activities and trips based around it. To ensure that this is the case, we have taken the following measures: All staff have a duty to be aware of the special attention children and young people (under 18 years of age) should be given while in our care. O. Obstetrics And Gynaecology. Review the provision of end of life care to consider providing cover over seven days a week. Let's make care better together. In a clinical emergency, where intervention is urgently required, the need for a chaperone still remains but may be waived if this is deemed to be in your best interests. This will help protect you against the winter vomiting bug, Wash your hands with soap and water after visiting the toilet, A clear and well publicised referral pathway is in place for staff to use to raise concerns on behalf of patients who are experiencing or are at risk of abuse or neglect, Training is provided for all staff to ensure they understand our commitment to safeguarding, have an appreciation of the, We adopt a robust approach to the implementation of the, The Named Nurse for Safeguarding Adults is accountable for co-ordinating safeguarding duties, for liaising effectively with partners and for providing evidence of enquiries both internally and externally where required, Adult safeguarding activities are presented quarterly and annually to the board of directors, Reports are presented to the board of directors every six months on safeguarding children, We carry out regular audits to check our systems and processes are effective, We have clear procedures in place in the emergency department (A&E) and staff receive regular update training on safeguarding children, Training in safeguarding children is one of the components of the corporate induction programme for all new starters and is included in the annual mandatory refresher training, A named nurse and named doctors have specific responsibility for safeguarding children across all parts of our hospitals - they are clear about their roles and are given sufficient time to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities, We will always work to maintain your privacy, dignity and modesty, We should recognise individual differences and respond to these with sensitivity, We have a responsibility to make your time with us as pleasant as possible, The room where your bed is will only have patients of the same sex as you, Your toilet and bathroom will be just for your gender and will be close to your bed area. ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment and has been developed nationally in collaboration with clinicians and patients. During this inspection we found that the trust had significant capacity issues and was having to reassess bed capacity at least three times a day. We carried out an unannounced focused inspection of Addenbrookes Hospital urgent and emergency care and medical care services on 21 March 2022. On both wards we visited, people felt that staff did not respond to their needs quickly enough and one person said she can wait for up to an hour to have her call bell answered. This inspection was partly undertaken due to the concerns raised over how the organisation was responding to patient need and risk in the wider trust in times of high demand and pressure on capacity. CB2 0AY, In The team is based in three locations: Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon and Peterborough City Hospital. Staff spoke positively of local (divisional) management. We have rated this location as inadequate overall due to significant concerns in safety, responsiveness and the disconnect between ward staff and the divisional leaders. You will not have to walk through areas designated for the opposite sex, You may share some communal space, such as day rooms or dining rooms, and it is very likely that you will see both men and women patients as you move around the hospital (e.g. Staff working across health and social care reported poor discharge processes. Published This is then recorded on a ReSPECT form. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Evidence appendix published 26 February 2019 for Addenbrooke's and the Rosie Hospitals - PDF - (opens in new window), Published Staff working in these services also reported significant delays in ambulance responses, however they gave very positive feedback in relation to welfare calls received by GPs or 111 and 999 call handlers. Staff were very caring and on some occasions went to great lengths to support and care for patients. Helping families and friends share messages and photographs with patients in our hospitals. there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. In the two weeks before you start you will also receive an email from the DOT . A summary of CQC findings on urgent and emergency care services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Other equipment within the unit was all serviced and had been appropriately maintained. Tiffany Eagling (Cleft Team Co-ordinator) T: 01223 596 272. King's Lynn Breast Screening Service (KLBSS) This service offers free screening for all eligible women aged 50 to 70, every 3 years, within the locality.Women in this age range will be invited to attend automatically and those over 70 can refer themselves directly. Addenbrooke's Hospital. Virtual clinics had been set up in a number of areas, each consisting of a multidisciplinary team of staff including nursing and consultant grade staff. The trust provides a major trauma centre for the east of England and specialist services in immunology, fetal medicine, IVF, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, genetics and metabolic diseases, specialised paediatric, cancer and transplant services. robert august surftech longboard asda distribution centre phone number. We found that the staff were exceptionally caring and that they went the extra mile for their patients.. Emergency Department - 24/7, 365 days a year. We also provide free Teenage Cancer Trust Wifi . the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility. At this inspection we saw significant improvement across most of the areas we inspected. In December 2014 Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust had been identified as having only two elevated risks and one risk on our Intelligent Monitoring system. addenbrooke's safeguarding teamscanavenger portable wireless bluetooth barcode scanner addenbrooke's safeguarding team Welcome to Safeguarding. Safeguarding Support Unit. This impacted on the ability to provide appropriate care and treatment and moving patients to the appropriate service. The initiative aimed to help patients who call NHS 111 receive the care they need while alleviating the pressure on Emergency Departments (EDs). 26 February 2019. All bedrooms have comfy and cosy soft furnishings, bespoke furniture, TV, DVD and gaming facilities. Consider improvements to the response rate for the Friends and Family Test which are poor across the trust. Staff were not all up to date with mandatory training and did not always assess risks appropriately. P.O. addenbrooke's safeguarding team. Appointment. We spoke with staff in services across primary care, urgent care, acute, mental health, ambulance services and in care homes and domiciliary care agencies (social care). This was to assess how patient risks were being managed across health and social care services during increased and extreme demand. Addenbrookes Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 0QQ, an inspection looking at part of the service. Phone: 503.224.8500 . Ensure that systems are in place to reduce the risk of confidential information leaks. Safe practice is a key element in all aspects of our work and future development. To ensure this is the case, we have taken the following measures: We respect the dignity, privacy and independence of everyone who uses our services: Our staff should always treat you without discrimination and within the law. If the examination is considered to be intimate in nature, a formal chaperone is also required. Orthopaedics. Mental Capacity Act Assessments and Safeguarding work. On his death in 1719 he left the sum of 4,500 in his will "to hire, fit-up, purchase or erect a building fit for a small physicall hospital for poor people". If there is no-one to fulfil this role for you, you can request a member of staff to accompany you known as a formal chaperone. We were told of a GP liaison service which enabled GPs and Consultants to work together to discuss individual patient needs. T: 0117 3421177. Aid, Youth Development. The Clinical Ethics Forum provides advice to healthcare professionals and other involved parties about the complex ethical issues that can arise in the course of patient care. One person said, 'I don't think they can respond quickly, they have so much to do, they do their best'. The organisation had been through a significant change in senior leadership in the preceding 12 months which had resulted in a number of governance changes within the organisation. addenbrooke's safeguarding team. All the people that we spoke with felt they had not received enough information from staff about one or more of the following: care options including the risks and benefits, the facilities available, or what will happen when they leave hospital. Hinchingbrooke Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm; Addenbrookes - Monday to Friday 9am-5pm The primary focus of this post will be assisting with the delivery of our rapidly developing clinical consumables replenishment service. Four people who had already been assessed informed us that they were waiting for results of blood tests and they felt this was an unnecessary delay to their treatment or discharge. Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) NHS Foundation Trust comprises Addenbrooke's Hospital and the Rosie Hospital in Cambridge. Social Worker Secondment - South Transfer of Care Team Addenbrookes Hospital - Cambridge; 34,408 - 37,108; Posted 2 hours ago; Closing Date: 19-06-2022; Cambridgeshire County Council; . Data collection for the ICNARC case mix programme is monitored and that data collected is reliable, accurate and representative of the functioning of both critical care units. We found significant improvements in the completion and retention of specific surgical safety records relating to the individual responsibilities, which has led to greater safety for people and improved quality assurance. addenbrooke's safeguarding team. Inspection Report published 7 March 2011 for Addenbrooke's and the Rosie Hospitals - PDF - (opens in new window), Published Try for free at rocketreach.co . Applicants must be registered with Social Work England and have knowledge of the legislative framework related to adults. Safeguarding Children is a term for a range of measures and approaches to keeping children safe. The emergency department had secured 100,000 of funding from the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) to support the development of a crowd prediction modelling tool to enable the trust to understand and map patient flow through the department. CB1 3DF. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. The outpatients department had risk assessed and reviewed all patients records with an outstanding appointment to ensure patients were seen in a timely way based on relative clinical risk. Ensure that medical and surgical patients are cared for in an appropriate ward. The online educational resource cambridgecriticalcare.net developed by the neurological critical care team is a repository of educational resources aimed not only at local trainees, but trainees nationally and internationally. T: 0330 043 4849 | E: CUH@cardinal-ltd.co As this was a focused inspection of urgent and emergency care at Addenbrookes Hospital we only inspected parts of our key questions: safe, responsive and well led. There were a number of systems in place to enable the trust to assess and monitor the quality of the service which were in line with national guidance on developing dementia care services. By streamlining pathways and handover arrangements, ambulance crews felt they could be more efficient. Children Safeguarding Children is an initiative of the Telford & Wrekin Safeguarding Children Board (TWSCB).
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