Family and I are moving from Houston, Texas to Guatemala City. Does anyone know if the entry restrictions are being enforced on Mexicos northern border? Because of jerks like you, most of the world has become a fascist dictatorship. Any problems returning to the US? I apply for my passport but just have receipt. Some other foreigners were given the vaccine if any was left over at the end of the day and then were automatically signed up for the 2nd shot. I am considering crossing in Laredo, Texas. Assuming youre US citizens with good ID, preferably passports but not actually required, you have full right to cross back into the US. I wish to cross the border from USA to Mexico via Tijuana on Monday 3rd January 2022 returning on 09th January 2022. Citizens of India are banned from entering USA due to the pandemic raging out there. My husband is Mexican and I am American. I did the same. Is it OK for non Americans to walk across from San Diego into TJ? This article is incorrect. Nevertheless, thousands of Asylum seekers are being deported to Haiti without hearings. Do I need passport to take bus to Mexico?? Incoming Americans bring $$$. Are you surprised at the double standards both sides of the border? I plan on traveling to Mexico thru San ysidro border just for a few hours. Can she go through the land crossing such as cross border xpress if we both travel together, is she considered essential as long as she is with me, we will be visiting my family soon, thanks. I visited my fianc monthly before I began driving. There are some coworkers from Hungary, that need to do some work in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in a couple of weeks. I am in the same situation my understanding is that they will not let your husband pass but you will be able to. This is by air, not land border crossing. Here they just do a cursory look in your vehicle. They generally will have a station just across the border. The Mexican president should hold the Americans to the same standard, but it never happens. Hello there, She has to be able to prove she lives there but she needs also needs to prove she is not living in Mexico undocumented. I live in San Diego and plan on walking across to Tijuana to fly out of there to go to Salina Cruz in Oaxaca State. Only you will be allowed she has to fly into the US. Yesterday you are flying you have to have a Covid test coming in to the US Everyone does US citizens are not exempt . I am flying to Chetumal from TIJ using the SBX and returning to TIJ also using the SBX into san diego. Last week, I crossed the US-Mexico border at Nogales K21 and obtained all necessary documents for my person and my vehicle to travel in Mexico for the next six months. Just bring your passport and your patience as the line to get back in the US can be very long. Hello, Im a US citizen in Mexico City on a 180 day tourist visa. If he gets a note from his doctor For a medical appointment that is considered essential and he should be allowed to cross. Im currently in Oaxaca, Mexico. Will we be allowed to enter Mexico? My son born in the USA and he crossed with his birth certificate and driver licence and he doesnt have any problem and hes 25yrs old! I think they denied a few out of 1000s that went thru., Hello. Im an artist that lives in California, California residentwants to go rent a home in baja for a year. Didnt you hear? Educate yourself more its obvious your unintelligent. Are there any news that the non-essential travels/crossings will still be in effect by then? I run a dental clinic in TJ. They have the babys birth certificate. Hi, I am Egyptian and I have an acceptance letter from a university in the US with a start date 1st of February. The regional economy and cross-border trade. I live in San Felipe, Baja California and there are checkpoints where you need proof of your Mexican address. continue straight. US Citizens returning to the US are not affected even now. There are no restrictions for US citizens crossing into Mexico or back to the States (make sure you have your passport Or birth certificate) to get back in the U.S. Ive used CBX several times its a quick and easy way to to cross the border via an enclosed pedestrian bridge inside the Tijuana Airport. I have been researching and found that People coming to the US to work are allowed, but then there is a parenthesis and it says something like: eg people working in agriculture, so not sure if it is purely an example, or if they are trying to limit it just to certain jobs. Weve never been asked for paperwork of any kind for the cat. Hello, I have plans to spend 15 days in Mexico then move to USA. Best option: Go to mexico using a airlinecars are allowed to mexican citizen,,or dual citizenship..just go. Another option is to quarantine for 2 weeks in the UK, then enter the US. Mexico is not a Canadian province. Thanks, Sheryl. I drove from Arizona and had no problems. If you need assistance with the exchange process, you might consider using our associates Immigration Assistance service, details here: Once you get close to 2nd street you will see signs that say "Mexico Only, No USA Return." Yet if I take a plane Houston lets say, I shouldnt have a problem? My folks are rushing back because covid infections rose from 7 to 90 people in a matter of days. No problems no questions. Mexico has no tourism restrictions. Hello YT, one of the definitions of essential travel is Individuals traveling for medical purposes so you can make the journey on that basis. 610 W. Ash St At the last exit before the border heading south there are places to get Mexican car insurance: take the last exit before you hit the border and go to the right, youll go down a couple of lights and youll see the building on the left, it is drive through, it is very efficient, and it only cost $20 a day. Estou na mesma situacao e tambem estou pensando em fazer a mesma coisa. If you get any replies/ideas pls let me know. Im concerned about the report of roadblocks in some towns. I crossed by land on Merch 17 through Otay with no problems. I appreciate it. It makes absolutely no sense!! Are you seriously considering getting a death vaccine? Hi Ruth, how is the trip going Im in the UK and desperate to visit my boyfriend in the USA, Im in the same as you and was wondering how this went for you. How do they know your not using someones birth certificate and social security card? Im curious about your situation. We are in a loophole! Discovering The Real Estate Deals Of Tijuana Mexico, Escaping The American Hustle: An Exploration Of US Citizens Living In Tijuana, Exploring The Culture Attractions And Lifestyle Of Tijuana Mexico. then the capitol of California (thank God I remembered) and let me pass. Or will they have to fly direct from Mexico? you enter the US by land. It is very important information. They are called Forma Migratoria Mltiple (FMM) and are small blue and white colored forms. How Often Can One Buy Medication in Los Algodones? From what I am seeing, if you drive across there are not checking on essential. So basically just what I have notices is driving you are fine going south, walking its a sometimes yes to sometimes no. Hi Jennifer, Hello, a mother is a mexican citizen, she has a VISA but she wants to cross with her 15 year old daughter who is a US citizen, according to Trumps letter (I have no idea if its still eligibale since Biden is the new president) a foreign person travelling with an underage child can cross the border, no questiosn asked, has anybody tried this? Can we still fly to Mexico and would the borders be open up for tourism? Last week I crossed at K 21 near Nogales and had no difficulty obtaining documents valid for 6 months travel in Mexico. Any help would be appreciated. They gave those north the option of staying and becoming citizens or moving south to Mexico. Tijuana and Mexicali are two cities located in the northwestern region of Mexico. Despite Mexican authorities inability to control the influx of American citizens crossing the border to engage in illegal activities, even the Arellano-Felix Organization, also known as The Tijuana Cartel, had such a powerful and influential presence in the area that even the Mexican government could not control it. Theres nothing like Mexicalis mouthwatering tacos, beer and the The U.S. doesnt. WebThe Calexico-Mexicali border crossings are running trouble-free You dont have to miss Mexico anymore. This discussion occurred prior to the COVID -19 pandemic. I have a dental emergency and my preferred dentist is in Los Algodones. These industries provide jobs for a large majority of the citys population. Our resort is open and the airlines are on track to take us and bring us back. Would you mind sharing a little more about your experience please! Will my wife be allowed to cross the US border with me? As far as I know, you need yo reaide or work in the US in order to register for the vaccine. On the Mexican side, coming from baggage claim, you cross the bridge and where you land is US Customs. I would like to know who exactly makes the decision to keep honest Mexican nationals with legal tourist visas from crossing the border, yet we allow 12400 illegal Haiti immigrants come and be transported all over the USA without even a Covid test , not to mention TB, Measels, AIDs and who knows what other diseases and parasites. They just ask you where you are going, and what you were doing in Mexico like they always do. USA paid $15 million to Mexico for lands north of the Rio Grande in 1849. Were all US citizens. Question 2) Since CBX is a land crossing, do I need a negative COVID test? Tell that to a police officer when you get a ticket for no seat belt. The capital of Baja California is located in Mexicali, which is located across the border from Calexico, California, in the United States. 1. WebThis crossing is one of the two existing crossings between the Imperial Valley of the California area and Mexicali. Keep checking online (on tourist group boards) for what peoples experience will be and well find out if MX is toughening border controls for Americans (and Europeans) or if its all a lot of talk, which is what I expect. Will we need to wait in a long line to get a tourist visa or can we get that ahead of time on-line? What will happen If I do not come back for my car? I am a U.S. citizen who crosses into U.S. from Tijuana often and no evidence of vaccination is required. is that issue? It might take time and they might chastise her but they have to let US citizens in. Under your conditions, taking a chance for travel there. The EAST Mexicali crossing will be open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week. This digital image is a surrogate of an item from the Mexicali Border Crossing Snapshot Photographs. Hello I have a question my mother-in-law will be coming from Mexico and has her vaccinations from COVID bit the bus ticket person said Hera werent valid for her to come cross the border so I would like to know which are the approved vaccinations for a person to cross the border? I cant seem to get any sense out of UK or US Gov sites TIA Paul. I am planning on walking across to Tijuana from San Diego on August 13th to August 16th. A Drivers License is NOT PROOF of Citizenship, Nationality, any where. I dont want mandated vaccines. Our travel was from March 23, 2021-April 10, 2021, did u need a covid test to come back to the u.s? I have traveled twice from Im in the same situation as you! Ok. And how he is going to enter Mexico without a passport? when will you zombies wake up and realize govt doesnt love you. How did that go? Tourist Card (FMM) Forma Migratoria Multiple P.S. I wish the USA did the same for our Mexican neighbors. Can I cross the border with my motor home and enter to Mexico as non-citizen from any border which is more West since I am in California. Official websites use .gov Are the pharmacies still open in Mexicali, the ones near the border area? I had refused to pay and was turned back to the US. My brother, an American married to a Mexican woman, has a business in Cabo. We plan to drive from Dallas to Durango for the holidays to visit my husbands family. Did you formally renounce your asylum? Can I walk thru the Otay Mesa without a Passport to catch my flight from Tijuana to Mexico City. Next time I will try a different crossing. The Government website States UK citizens are not allowed to enter the US if they have been in the UK or Shenzhen area in the last 14 days. Am I right to assume if I was to stay in Mexico City for two weeks I should be able to fly into Phoenix? This bustling city is the capital of the Mexican state of Baja California and boasts a population of over one million people. Laura, michael here. My daughter lives in California and wants to fly into Guadajara to visit me. The remaining 1,051,169 encounters, or 63%, involved people from countries other than Mexico by far the highest total for non-Mexican nationals in CBP records dating back to 2000. Neither of us are vaccinated per religious beliefs. I would trust this as correct information: If Im not sick will they let me in? The test is only required if travelling by air according to the government. That doesnt mean it couldnt go back up at anytime. Im trying to find instructions or laws places that Ill be alright to go visit her because she can not at the moment. Just have to be an American citizen to get back ! Will I need a COVID-negative test in order to come back to San Ysidro across the land border? Mexico will remain a top choice for businesses looking to gain the most out of their production costs as the country continues to invest in its manufacturing infrastructure. Note all the many exceptions as to who can cross and why. Has anyone made this trip recently? Mexicali is a city in Baja California, Mexico, and it was founded in 1889. I am British and havent been there for five years. It does not cost anything. Has anything changed since 2019? Upon returning , PERHAPS they will ask you the reason for your trip. The agreement on restricting non-essential travels is tri-lateral between Mexico, USA and Canada. I fill it out only when I am flying out of Mexico or in. Mexican people are super friendly and awesome and narco related gangs you hear about in the news in Mexico dont bother local Mexicans or tourists. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. The toll roads are very inexpensive and its like you got the freeway all to yourself except for commercial traffic. If hes British perhaps you should ask when he was last in the Uk? Anyway I use it to go to my dentist in Tijuana. I have a question, I hope someone can answer. For Mexicans applying to an US visa, physical appointments have been postponed and interviews are now being conducted online. The situation is in flux. My wife and I are hoping to retire in Quintana Roo, but planned on traveling on a 180-day tourist visa while checking it out. I have seen many posts about people that have crossed several times but dont know how recently. But in any case, the following questions are for you. Do you believe she will be able to return to Mexico with a copy of the lease? Thats bullsquirt you have kept my fiance stuck across the border since the outbreak, are you actually going to open the border or just keep adding a month at a time like they have been doing, so is the 21 of Sept it or will it turn into October then November then December,.????? If you are not an American or Canadian citizen, you will require a valid passport and a visa or visa waiver (ESTA) or green card (legal residency card) to enter the USA from Mexico. They gave those north the option of staying and becoming citizens or moving south to Mexico. We cross at Nogales and get our papers about 30 miles south. Since there is No Air Travel Restrictions, can my Mexican gf and her daughter fly from Mexico city to the US to visit? Hi, Im Korean and living in Mexico. Mexico does not have restrictions against tourist travel at this time so us citizens with us passports can cross into Mexico. While its not okay, I thought it might be important to include. As long as the title is in your name (not with lender added), forget who holds the loan. $16 one way or $30 round trip and makes it so much easier to fly out of TJ. I applied for my passport back in early November and requested to Expedite the process, but it still states In Process. Im going To the border in SanYsidrio and wondering if I could cross?? Hello, Would this be considered essential? Im just going to the border and bringing it back home. My husband (dual citizen) wants to get home to see his family in Guanajuato beginning of December. WebCalifornia Border Crossings California only shares a border with the Baja Peninsula and Temporary Importation Permits (TIPs) are not required in Baja. I just booked an AirBNB for May to go to Ensenada (right before the travel restrictions were put in place, of course) and Im unable to get a flight into MX so Im going to be forced to walk across the border (from San Diego). smh. I have a fiance in Mexico. I am in the same situation. Will we be able to get into Mexico/Back into US (landing in SD then driving across) with only Drivers L. And BC?? (Or what it is call green card holder)! E-mail me with your phone number where I can call you. What about the car do I need a special permit? Crossing the Frontera is a free online class with search tips and techniques to help you with Mexican Can i reclaim asylum at the Mexican border using these documents? I need help on how I can bring her back. Our July newsletter contains some info and tips for people planning visits to Mexico this year, see: Gone are the days when you were able to cross back to US with your birth certificate or driver license. Used it in Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, & Mar. I want to enter out of Columbus into Mexico to pick up my medicine and then come right back to USA. Once in the "Nothing to Declare" line, you will eventually be at a stop where there is a traffic signal. Yes they would like you to think that a passport is required, and for the most it is. But be carfule never try to reach the Tijuana airport without a us passport or any legal doc. Yes. Make sure you bring your US passport with you, We usually go to the appartment once a month or once every two month and just stay there for a few days. Do I have to self quarantine if Im only visiting for 2 days? My sister had to pay this past weekend. You could fly back; stay in US for a couple of days; and then fly back to Mexico on your new tourist visa. It sure would be nice to see at least one news agency US or Canadian let the loads of Canadians that winter here in Mexico know if they are able to cross the US/MEX border on their way back to Canada. Please let me know if this applies to us as well. If you go past the safe zone , roughly a hundred miles south of the border you need permits . Our grandmother is very ill (NOT COVID RELATED) and is not expected to live. Thank you! Take a drivers and a birth certificate. I would just like to mention although there was no problem crossing the borderYou are well advised to buy Mexican car insurance in the United States. Can you just let us know if the immigration officer was questioning your boyfriend, and, when was the last time he entered US..meaning what was the gap between his visits. I also see warnings for a high crime rate there. info! Yes , is fine with a expire pasaport, I just pick up my nieces , in March and April , I just show there pasaport and birth certificate, Officer did not say anything they just let us in. Check the prices because insurance for a 6 month term cost me less than buying by weeks. But have you been needing to take COVID tests on your way back into the US? -Valid passport Do you have two taken of COVID-19 shots to cross the border? Open the border already our family needs to spend some time together! My brother is a United States citizen, he recently got his dual citizenship in Mexico. DO THIS ONLINE! The cars plates are MX. My husband can get into the US because we are married. Just my opinion! You can fly, as already mentioned, but you will need a negative COVID test taken 3 days or less before you get on the plane. You can check here: Air might be harder. Its been almost 100 days. COVID 19 is once again raging in Mexico. We have heard that many pet owners cross the land border without ever being asked for paperwork for their pets (especially cats); however, if you are stopped for a spot-check, you may be asked for that documentation. If you were coughing wildly or falling-down drunk or otherwise draw atypical attention to yourself, there could ben exceptions. Thank you! Chegou a consultar com outras pessoas? 7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Will my in-laws be able to cross into US? Also, is it required to have car insurance in Mexico? Where do you get all this? In Mexicali the far left lane is for local traffic (not crossing the border) and for motos/Emerg. Thank stupid joe. My question is: does Mexico issue TIPs right now and also, what about tourist cards? This is helpful. I will be staying in SD one night each way. Im going on Thursday but gonna cross walking? I cannot find any information on the topic of air travel between the countries that is not geared specifically to citizen or permanent residents of either country which I am not (EU citizen). Keep in mind a lot of the beaches are closed too along with the businesses around them. They will be traveling back home to US by land from Mexico. oh wow. Did you have any updates? But I need to cross the border to take plane to go back to Korea in LAX. Because Amlo doesnt care about our well being. I arrived here in Mexicali Mexico in 2007 from the UK to work, I have my permanent residence card, and current UK passport. I have been using CBX since Nov 2020 to fly from Tijuana to Monterrey. Perhaps your very first knowledge about Mexico or about Mexican culture happened in school, or from the television, or from the radio, or perhaps it was your parents, or other family members or friends who first introduced you anything relating to Mexico or Mexican culture? I have read that a negative COVID test is required when arriving by air, but not by land. They r restricting car traffic over border to US to all but essential and citizens Seems like a double standard no matter how you look at it!. I believe only us citizens or green card holders can go through the borfer right now, tourist visas are not permitted. Hi- I booked a trip from May 2nd May 6th and planning on crossing by foot through PedEast. Can I drive into Mexico (US Citizen, Tourist Visa), on a car that Im currently paying off? Not fun, so make sure you don't skip this step. I have not had any issues. How can we get her across? Since you are in Cancun, you should be able to rent a car to the USA border towns (Brownsville, etc.) They can ask for your documentation anytime they feel its necessary if you refuse you can be detained and send back wherever you came from and even if you show your documents during questioning you may get them back or they could keep them, but what about your freedom rights as a person? Even now with the current situation. If you were curious about the tedious process, have loads of patience, loads of time on your hand, and wouldnt be offended if a high school educated agent at the gates assumes if youre from Turkey youre probably Muslim and if youre Muslim you most likely have tennis shoes wired to go boom, then vamos a la playa.